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    Hi i have lost about 6 small fish (neons, guppys and gourami) in about 2 month, and just caught my angel fish attacking one of the neons and now the neon can hardly swim i quickly seperated the neon, but dunno if i done right. Can someone please help? SOME ONE HELP PLEASE
  3. J

    Pregnant Molly?

    hi i have 3 dalmation mollys in my tank and one of then looks like she is preg but she keeps chasing one of the other mollys all over and follows her. is the big molly a she and pregnant or is it a he and chassing the other molly to get her preg??????? help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    i have a fish in my tank but i dont know what it is it small about same size as guppys and he is brown like a beige colour stomach and brown line across belly along side n then darkish brown on top and he keeps fighting with my neons. i need help first to find out what fish he is cos he just...
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    hi thanks alot guy he is fine now he must of been sleeping like you said, he back to his normal self now. thanks a lot
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    come on some one please help??????????????????
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    hi i have a Leopard Pleco and i have just noticed whilst sitting at the pc that his body has gone all funny were as before he was like spots all over his body not his fins or his tail has gone like blury and looks dull?? please help
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    hi just wanting to know if my guppy is preg cos she has been what i think preg for ages now and i have a video of her so u can see her black spot but i dont know how to put a video on here can any1 help?
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    Preg Guppy

    hi just wanting to know if my guppy is preg cos she has been what i think preg for ages now and i have a video of her so u can see her black spot but i dont know how to put a video on here can any1 help?????????????????
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    New Fish

    I added the 7 neons, swordtail and 4 mollys today left them in the tank in the bag(open) for about 15mins like i was told to by the shop and then gently let them enter the tank in their own time. So far they all seen fine, ang getting along. I have a black neon tetras, I dont know what the...
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    New Fish

    hey i just got some new fish i bought 4 black neons, 1 swordtail and 4 dalmation mollys. will they be ok with my other fish i asked in shop and they said yes but just making sure. i got a 45 gallon tank and i got, 2 Angel Fish 1 Tetra 1 Albino Corydoras 1 Leopard Pleco 3 Kuhli Loach 2...
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    Cleaning Tank

    hi there i have a 45 gallon tank , i have 2 Angel Fish 1 Tetra 1 Albino Corydoras 1 Leopard Pleco 3 Kuhli Loach 2 Female Guppys and yes i lost a few fish to white spot a few weeks ago and was told to keep adding the treatment every now and then to be on safe side. I used the Aqua Safe - as...
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    Cleaning Tank

    hey i have a test kit for PH but nothing for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates what do i need to do with these and is there any other way of testing. i have done a PH test as i have just cleaned out the tank and its around PH6.8 is this ok and i also put in some treatment for Whitespot and dechloryfil
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    while i am sat at the PC my plec as come flyinh up ti surface and back down really fast i never seen him do this before and am worried. also i need help with preg guppy, she is due soon i think her black spot is they but she has a clear bit after it more clear than black i dont know what this is...
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    My New Tank Updated

    that tank is awesome. i have asked for a bigger tank for my 21st next month, what size is that and what size ould you recommend
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    while i am sat at the PC my plec as come flyinh up ti surface and back down really fast i never seen him do this before and am worried. also i need help with preg guppy, she is due soon i think her black spot is they but she has a clear bit after it more clear than black i dont know what this...
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    What Fish Should I Get Next?

    What about some pink kissing fish they are so sweet.
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    New Fish

    my tank is about 3 ft in length and about 2 ft in hight and a ft wide
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    New Fish

    At the moment I have; 3 kuhli loaches 2 Angel fish 2 Female Guppies - both preg 1 Cat fish 1 Plek 1 Tetra What would you recommend next. Also i need help with the Guppies, Idont know when she will have the fry, she has been preg for about 4 weeks now and the black spot is still black but...
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    Guppies Allready Pregnant
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    How Long Do Platy Gravid Spots Last?

    oky down near her anal fin you will notice she's getting plump right. If she is a lighter color like ornage, yellow, white, etc... You will notice stuff starts to appear in that area. She will get plumper and plumper until between 30-45 dyas when she will drop the babies, To know when to put her...
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    Guppies Allready Pregnant there also is a good site
  23. J

    Guppies Allready Pregnant

    hi i also have two pregnant guppys, had both for about month and half now and one is due anytime soon got the breeding net ready to pop her in but i also aint got a clue when she will be due, im also very excited
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    What Is It?

    yeah thats them in my tank i have: 2 preg guppys, 2 angel fish 1 plek 1 cat fish 1 beta yeah thats them in my tank i have: 2 preg guppys, 2 angel fish 1 plek 1 cat fish 1 tetra can you give me any info on my preg guppy
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    What Is It?

    its about 2 and a half ft
  26. J

    What Is It?

    hi, i have just bought 3 new fish they are like little snakes they dig under the gravel and only come out when the light is of or when its feeding time. what are they ????????? also I have 2 Female Guppys in my tank both are pregant. One of then has just began showing about a week ago but the...
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    Pregnant Guppy Or Not?

    I have 2 Female Guppys in my tank both are pregant. One of then has just began showing about a week ago but the other has been for about 4 weeks now. They have recenlt got like reg cheeks and i dont know what this is, doen any one know??? Also when will i know when my guppy will go into labour...
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    Pregnant Guppy

    I have 2 Female Guppys in my tank both are pregant. One of then has just began showing about a week ago but the other has been for about 4 weeks now. They have recenlt got like reg cheeks and i dont know what this is, doen any one know??????? Also when will i know when my guppy will go into...
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    New Beta...not Eating And Flares At Me

    Hi i am not much of an expert myself but i recently bough a Blue Beta Fish aka Siamese Fighting Fish, I have a checked out some infomation for you, You do need a proper tank with a filter lamp and heater if you are from england you can go to a peter barretts if you have one nearby and get a 4ft...
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    I need help im only a beginner with fish, I recently has a turtle in my tank and have now got tropical fish. I had 2 kissing Gouramis , 6 Guppys, 1 Plek (Ancistrus Catfish),2 Clown Loachs ,2 Black Neon Tetras and 1 Siamese Fighting Fish. I have had the fish less than a month and now i have...