New Fish


New Member
Sep 22, 2006
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At the moment I have;

3 kuhli loaches
2 Angel fish
2 Female Guppies - both preg
1 Cat fish
1 Plek
1 Tetra

What would you recommend next.

Also i need help with the Guppies, Idont know when she will have the fry, she has been preg for about 4 weeks now and the black spot is still black but also a big clear spot there now. I dunno what this is???????
According to your rough measurements your tank is about 45-gallons.
What are your water stats? (pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, temp)
What is your tank maintenance like? (water changes, gravel vacuum, etc.)
Is your tank completely cycled?

For now I would get more tetras of whatever kind you have as they're schooling fish and need at least 5 of the same species to feel comfortable. Also if your catfish are corydora catfish you should up the number to at least five of the same species as they're shoaling fish as well.

Add more fish gradually though as not to upset the balance of your tank.
I would rehome the guppies, otherwise, the angels will nip at them or eat them. Definately get some tetra buddies for whatever one you have. Maybe add a honey or pearl gourami or a flying fox. You need to ID what kind of plec and catfish you have first though.

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