

New Member
Sep 22, 2006
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Hi i have lost about 6 small fish (neons, guppys and gourami) in about 2 month, and just caught my angel fish attacking one of the neons and now the neon can hardly swim i quickly seperated the neon, but dunno if i done right. Can someone please help?

Hi i have lost about 6 small fish (neons, guppys and gourami) in about 2 month, and just caught my angel fish attacking one of the neons and now the neon can hardly swim i quickly seperated the neon, but dunno if i done right. Can someone please help?


Angelfish will eat any fish that will fit in their mouth. I also read on here that the Neon is the natural prey of the Angelfish.

Also Neons are very fragile and should only be put in well established tanks of 6 months or more

(Both statements from what I read on here, as I have no experience with either fish, but have read a lot on here about this subject)
Angel fish eat smaller, brightly coloured fish...

Not a good combination, either seperate them permanently or the Angel will do it for you!
I think you'll have to make up your mind on if you'd rather have your neon or the cichlid in that tank. Angels love eating neons, in tanks and in their natural habitat. In general, most cichlids shouldn't be kept with community fish, especially small ones. I hope you don't have a breeding pair of angels in that tank or oh man will it ever be a war zone.
How big is the tank?

In the wild, angels eat tetras, but I have heard of people having angelfish and tetras with no problems. Keep in mind, that angelfish are cichlids. They can have a temparment and will get territorial with other middle dwelling fish.

If the tank is small, then there may not be enough space for the other fish to hide or swim, which is why the angel has been attacking it.

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