What Is It?


New Member
Sep 22, 2006
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hi, i have just bought 3 new fish they are like little snakes they dig under the gravel and only come out when the light is of or when its feeding time. what are they ?????????
I have 2 Female Guppys in my tank both are pregant. One of then has just began showing about a week ago but the other has been for about 4 weeks now. They have recenlt got like reg cheeks and i dont know what this is, doen any one know???
Also when will i know when my guppy will go into labour they are always with each other. her belly is big but on other pictures of pregnant guppy its just a black spot, my guppy has a black spot but it is also very clear and i dont know what this is either.

Can any1 help please.
The new guys could be kuhli loaches.

I would be hesitant in buying fish without knowing their species or genus. Who knows if they will get eaten or eat or die due to water incompatibility.
The new guys could be kuhli loaches.

I would be hesitant in buying fish without knowing their species or genus. Who knows if they will get eaten or eat or die due to water incompatibility.

yeah thats them

in my tank i have:

2 preg guppys,
2 angel fish
1 plek
1 cat fish
1 beta

The new guys could be kuhli loaches.

I would be hesitant in buying fish without knowing their species or genus. Who knows if they will get eaten or eat or die due to water incompatibility.

yeah thats them

in my tank i have:

2 preg guppys,
2 angel fish
1 plek
1 cat fish
1 beta

yeah thats them

in my tank i have:

2 preg guppys,
2 angel fish
1 plek
1 cat fish
1 tetra

can you give me any info on my preg guppy
when the guppies about to drop if you look closely you should be able to see the frys eyes where the dark patch is that is a sign she is about to drop.
For your kuhli loaches, if they are hiding in the gravel it is because they are scared and uncomfortable. If you don't already have a cave or a piece of driftwood for them to hide under you should get one. They don't like to sit out in the open. They will actually come out more to play around if they feel they have a quick retreat to dart into when they want.

What type of filter do you have? Kuhli loaches are notorious for getting into filters and getting chewed up. Its very sad :-( . I've had it happen to mine before--in the middle of the night I woke up to a grinding sound coming from my Penguin biowheel filter. Opened it up and there was a mangled, not quite dead kuhli in the impeller. She died soon after I pulled her out. Take extra precautions to ensure they have absolutely no way of getting in. I think mine must have gone up the waterfall, under the biowheel, against the current in order to get into the impeller. So if you have a HOB, put some sort of mesh over the output as well.

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