Cleaning Tank


New Member
Sep 22, 2006
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hey i have a test kit for PH but nothing for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates what do i need to do with these and is there any other way of testing. i have done a PH test as i have just cleaned out the tank and its around PH6.8 is this ok and i also put in some treatment for Whitespot and dechloryfil
hey i have a test kit for PH but nothing for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates what do i need to do with these and is there any other way of testing. i have done a PH test as i have just cleaned out the tank and its around PH6.8 is this ok and i also put in some treatment for Whitespot and dechloryfil

Firstly hi :D
If you are going to keep fish you need the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate testkit. They will tell you immediately if your water stats are ok or if you have a problem.
As to whether your ph is ok that will depend a lot on what type of fish you are keeping. So would be idea to tell us what size tank you have and what fish you have or are intending to put in there.
Why have you put in the treatments? Have you had a problem?
You will need to give us a bit more information before we can help and answer your questions. :)
hey i have a test kit for PH but nothing for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates what do i need to do with these and is there any other way of testing. i have done a PH test as i have just cleaned out the tank and its around PH6.8 is this ok and i also put in some treatment for Whitespot and dechloryfil

Firstly hi :D
If you are going to keep fish you need the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate testkit. They will tell you immediately if your water stats are ok or if you have a problem.
As to whether your ph is ok that will depend a lot on what type of fish you are keeping. So would be idea to tell us what size tank you have and what fish you have or are intending to put in there.
Why have you put in the treatments? Have you had a problem?
You will need to give us a bit more information before we can help and answer your questions. :)

hi there
i have a 45 gallon tank ,
i have
2 Angel Fish
1 Tetra
1 Albino Corydoras
1 Leopard Pleco
3 Kuhli Loach
2 Female Guppys

and yes i lost a few fish to white spot a few weeks ago and was told to keep adding the treatment every now and then to be on safe side.

I used the Aqua Safe - as i used tap water and it helps get rid of the chlorine out of water, and reduses stress.
I would switch to prime instead of aquasafe, I have had much better results and it is way easier to add since it is a 2 drop per gallon method.

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