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  1. Leedsboi86

    Where To Go - West Yorkshire

    Hmm I can probs get my bf to drive for 45 mins each way? Emma you know I'm coming to see you of course!!!! hehe. I know he's wanting to buy some nice Tetras!
  2. Leedsboi86

    Where To Go - West Yorkshire

    Hey everyone. Me and my Boyfriend have decided to go fish shopping on Sunday. Not sure where to go though, My boyfriend has said he will drive me to one but I need to pick one to go to. Wanting somthing 30-45 mins drive away, We live in Bradford. We are wanting tropical fishies. Anyone...
  3. Leedsboi86

    Rescape - Help Needed!

    No plants in at the moment. I was gonna order some. I have some caves and stones I wanna add to tank though.
  4. Leedsboi86

    Stocking Issues?

    Hey everyone. As most will know I have a pair of Kribensis in my 71 Litre Aquarium. They have also become a breeding pair...... Anyway I am wanting to add some other fish to the tank, Other than the two and there fry the tank looks empty... I'm wanting to get some Neons and Rasboras. I'm...
  5. Leedsboi86

    How To De-flee House With Fish?

    You can buy flea spray from the vets, You go all around your doors, skirting boards etc with it and the carpets and basically anywhere warm. It's safe for Aquariums but costs around £15.00 Hope this helps.
  6. Leedsboi86

    Rescape - Help Needed!

    So no way to do it now? Really need to get the tank sorted and it's gonna be awhile before the fry can leave, they are still very small.
  7. Leedsboi86

    Rescape - Help Needed!

    Hey everyone. I'm wanting to rescape my 71 Litre tank. Problem is I have 2 Kribs in there with there spawn. The fry are all free swimming but are only 2-3 weeks old so stay very close to parents. I really wanna sort the tank out as it looks abit of a mess. What can I do? I don't want parents...
  8. Leedsboi86

    Aquarium Wanted!

    Hey How much are you wanting?
  9. Leedsboi86

    Pets At Home?!?

    Ghost wasn't a rescue hamster. The girl told me she was one of there own stock that they couldn't sell. I wouldn't say all P@H are bad but the one Ghost came from was a living hell for her. Ghost was the last out of a batch and when she didn't sell they put her in adoption. In this case it...
  10. Leedsboi86

    Miracle - Found In The Tip!

    I'm so happy! I've been keeping an eye on this thread and was worried he wasn't going to make it! Great to see he's doing well!!!!!!!!!! All 3 of my cats are rescues! It's horrible what ppl can do! I vote all pics for POTM!!!!
  11. Leedsboi86

    The End And The Beginning

    Roughly around 15+ there hard to keep count of hehe
  12. Leedsboi86

    The End And The Beginning

    Hello Everyone. As some of you may know my HMPK Betta passed away this morning and his 10G Tank now sits empty. I did question what to do with the tank, refill and start again? Give in? Carry on? Well I have made my choice........ My 10G Tank will now be going to my Boyfriend, I have decided...
  13. Leedsboi86

    What To Do Now......?

    lol I wish! Stuck in waiting for power points to be added to kitchen. Then IT'S ALL DONEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Well I need to decorate it and put the new wooden flooring down.... well my bf will do that he's a genius hehe.
  14. Leedsboi86

    What To Do Now......?

    *Ears perk up* Dwarf Puffer?
  15. Leedsboi86

    What To Do Now......?

    Hey everyone. My nice new designer kitchen has finally been finished today! I was planing to put my Aquastart 320 with HMPK Betta in the Kitchen.... Thing is my HMPK passed away this morning after only having him 2 days! Really don't know what to do about the tank new. It's the silver version...
  16. Leedsboi86

    Is It Just Me?

    Only ever see VT's at Pets At Home
  17. Leedsboi86

    Aquarium Wanted!

  18. Leedsboi86

    R.i.p Gerald.

    After my other Betta Fred died(had him 2 years from Pets At Home) it took me awhile to find another, Only had him 2 days and then he died. Don't think I wanna go through it all again.
  19. Leedsboi86

    R.i.p Gerald.

    Hey everyone. Sad to announce that through the night my HMPK Gerald passed away. No idea why, Only got him Tuesday and he's been fine, looked great. eating fine! Just got up and he's on his side dead :'( Don't think I'm gonna get another betta again.
  20. Leedsboi86

    Aquarium Wanted!

    Hey Everyone. My Partner is wanting an Aquarium, He wants somthing around 28 Litre to 65 Litre. Must come with Filter, Light and Heater. We can collect in Yorkshire Area Please PM me with info! Thanks!
  21. Leedsboi86

    My Betta

    :D Combtail Bettas are pretty.
  22. Leedsboi86

    Baby Kribs On There First Outing!

    Not sure how many babies there are at the moment, The dads having a hard time with them wondering off and then he has to find them lol. The Mum just seems to watch over them.
  23. Leedsboi86

    Baby Kribs On There First Outing!

    Hey! Heres Mommy and her little ones on there first outing!
  24. Leedsboi86

    My New Betta! Hmpk

    Don't have any females.... yet lol. Hoping my new kitchen will be finished on Friday so I can move his tank to it's perm home.
  25. Leedsboi86

    My New Betta! Hmpk

    Haha aww bless him. This lil dude is like a small child on a sugar hype. since he arrived the other morning he's not been still for more than 5 seconds. He likes to play with filter current aswell, It's not very strong though
  26. Leedsboi86

    My New Betta! Hmpk

    Haha I have the matching male! He's pretty normal when he see's me but as soon as he see's cam it's BYE BYE! He zooms around like mad avoiding pics and all I get is a white blur. I tried the Mirror trick and it worked but as soon as I turned cam on ZOOOOOM lol.
  27. Leedsboi86


    Guys! Stop replying to idiots like this, Thats exactly what they want. MOD Please close this silly thread!
  28. Leedsboi86

    My New Betta! Hmpk

    Tanks all clear this morning :) Yes it has been cycled! Also leaving the fake plants in, Have used them before and never had an issue with them and nope there not from Wilkinsons there from my local pet store. He's a very active little fish. can't get a ###### pic of him he darts off all over.
  29. Leedsboi86

    Can Anyone Help Me Find These?

    Hey :) I have a pair I might be willing to part with. Will need to talk it through with my Partner as they have just had a batch of babies. :) PM me.
  30. Leedsboi86

    I Have Babies!

    Trying to get some pics but kinda tricky with the cave been kinda at back of tank, Gonna snag my Bf's SLR cam to see if I can take some with that
  31. Leedsboi86

    I Have Babies!

    Will do :D I did see some Eggs about a week ago maybe longer, But I thought the dad had eaten them all. I wonder if they are natural parents 0.0
  32. Leedsboi86

    I Have Babies!

    Hey everyone!!!!! Noticed my Male and Female Krib acting a lil weird today, The male was zooming around tank and female was hidding in a cave. Has a peek in cave with my LED torch(didn't move cave looked through glass) and at bottom of the coconut cave there was around 10-15 lil wrigglers all...
  33. Leedsboi86

    My New Betta! Hmpk

    Very pale milky white.
  34. Leedsboi86

    Cloudy Water?

    Would it be bad to do a water change tonight? I don't wanna stress the lil guy out too much,
  35. Leedsboi86

    Cloudy Water?

    Hey everyone. Since adding my new Male Betta to his home this morning the water in my Betta tank has gone quite cloudy. It was fine last night it only started when Betta went in the tank. He came though post his morning so abit worried about doing a water change on tank as I only got him at...
  36. Leedsboi86

    My New Betta! Hmpk

    Hmm since I put him in this morning the water in tank has gone a little cloudy. Any ideas why?
  37. Leedsboi86

    My New Betta! Hmpk

    YAY HE ARRIVED! Just floating his bag in tank now to match temp, then will do the slow water adds to get him used to stats
  38. Leedsboi86

    My New Betta! Hmpk

    :D Thanks! So what do I do when he arrives tomorrow? Any special things I need to do when he arrives?
  39. Leedsboi86

    My New Betta! Hmpk

    Not sharp at all :) there called Coral Spreads
  40. Leedsboi86

    My New Betta! Hmpk

    Yes there fake but not plastic. Not sure what they make them of, It's kinda like a silky cotton