My New Betta! Hmpk

float the bag in the water for about 30mins and while hes in the bag slowly add tank water because if you just let him streight in he could die from ph shock.
Nice one! the tank looks great, we must see pics once he is all settled :nod:
I'd get rid of those plants . I recognise them they're from Wilkinsons right? . I had some and they fall apart within weeks. All the tiny fronds come off and float around they're really cack.

Real plants would look FAR better and more natural, and will help use up a bit of waste. Cabomba is a good choice and very easy to grow. You just plant the stems in the gravel and leave them alone. Roots should form and all you have to do is nip out the tops when they trail across the surface.

Moss balls are another great choice and unusual looking too. You can get them in packs of 5 small ones on Ebay. Those are possibly THE easiest plant on earth to care for. Literally just drop them in and that's it ( they do float at first but will sink after a few days ) . They stay in a ball and sit there looking good.

3-4 bunches of Cabomba and some moss balls would easily it out the tank and make it much nicer for the betta.

If your filter is not cycled ( it should be ) then this is a likely cause for your cloudy water. Bacterial bloom .
Tanks all clear this morning :)
Yes it has been cycled!

Also leaving the fake plants in, Have used them before and never had an issue with them and nope there not from Wilkinsons there from my local pet store.

He's a very active little fish. can't get a ###### pic of him he darts off all over.
my new females like that one of them the second i get the camra comes right up to it but just dosnt stop moving so the pics are all blured.
Haha I have the matching male!
He's pretty normal when he see's me but as soon as he see's cam it's BYE BYE!
He zooms around like mad avoiding pics and all I get is a white blur.

I tried the Mirror trick and it worked but as soon as I turned cam on ZOOOOOM lol.
see my males wierd with a mirror. if you put a mirror near him or he sees the apisto next to him he will flare for like a second swim to the back of the tank and flare at his reflection against the backround for agers but will only flare at the frount of the tank for a second. hes a grumppy little one now hes about 2 years he sulks for days if his bubble nest gets broke lol
Haha aww bless him.
This lil dude is like a small child on a sugar hype.
since he arrived the other morning he's not been still for more than 5 seconds.
He likes to play with filter current aswell, It's not very strong though

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