Rescape - Help Needed!


Fish Addict
Aug 7, 2006
Reaction score
Leeds - United Kingdom
Hey everyone.

I'm wanting to rescape my 71 Litre tank.
Problem is I have 2 Kribs in there with there spawn.
The fry are all free swimming but are only 2-3 weeks old so stay very close to parents.
I really wanna sort the tank out as it looks abit of a mess.

What can I do?
I don't want parents to eat there babies but I also wanna get tank sorted.

would probably be best to leave them be for the time being. Once the fry have left the parents, then do it.

yeah I'm in a similar situation waiting for the fry to get big enough to take to the store then going to transfer parents and other tank inhabitants into buckets and trim/rearrange the tank - going to use as an opportunity to give the substrate a really good going over as well.
So no way to do it now?
Really need to get the tank sorted and it's gonna be awhile before the fry can leave,
they are still very small.
the danger in doing it now would be that you would loose some fry and swapping the fish around can stress them quite a lot - although you could trim plants and clean off algae as normal while they are in the tank. But I wouldnt move rocks and wood around or uproot plants

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