What To Do Now......?


Fish Addict
Aug 7, 2006
Reaction score
Leeds - United Kingdom
Hey everyone.

My nice new designer kitchen has finally been finished today!
I was planing to put my Aquastart 320 with HMPK Betta in the Kitchen....

Thing is my HMPK passed away this morning after only having him 2 days!
Really don't know what to do about the tank new.
It's the silver version so it goes with the kitchen, Also has a power filter rather than the
pathetic UG they come with normally.

Anyway I dunno if to empty the tank and leave it empty....
I dunno what fish I could keep in a tank this size anyway it's only 30 Litres.

I could give it to my Boyfriend for his office.

:( All confused what to do.....
Sorry to hear about your Betta. RIP little fishy.

You could have a dwarf puffer, they've got great little personalities and they are freshwater.
Or how about a small shoal of neon tetras with some dwarf corys?
Yes, one dwarf puffer would be fine. In theory you can keep a group in a large tank but in practice they are aggressive little so and so's and will quickly dispatch their weaker tankmates. Some say you can keep them with ottos but IMO a bit risky in 30l.
I have that exact same tank. And here are some ideas I had for it...

1) Colony of various shrimp (being careful not to mix species that will crossbreed)
My idea was to have Snowball Shrimp and either Cystal Red Shrimp or Blue Tiger shrimp.

2) 5 Sparkling Gouramis + 5 Pygmy Corys

3) A shoal of 10-12 Boraras Brigittae

Eithways with it being such a small tank and so fish options being limited I was going to...
Do it heavily planted, with a black background and with a dark substrate.

Because you can't have many fish, or 'centerpiece' fish and seeing as it's so small I figured planting heavily with dark background and substrate will make it look much much much better.
Hehe I reckon Leedsboi's hotfooting it to the lfs as we speak!
lol I wish!
Stuck in waiting for power points to be added to kitchen.

Well I need to decorate it and put the new wooden flooring down.... well my bf will do that he's a genius hehe.
I forgot to say, congrats on your new kitchen. :good:

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