Cloudy Water?


Fish Addict
Aug 7, 2006
Reaction score
Leeds - United Kingdom
Hey everyone.

Since adding my new Male Betta to his home this morning the water in my Betta tank has gone quite cloudy.
It was fine last night it only started when Betta went in the tank.

He came though post his morning so abit worried about doing a water change on tank as I only got him at 8am.
really don't wanna stress him out.

theres no other fish in the tank either.

Any ideas on what to do?
I was reading your other thread and as far as I thought...he's in a mature tank isn't he?

If not then it'll be a bacterial bloom (albeit a very fast one).

If it was mature, then how long did it stand empty/without an ammonia source before your new boy went in?

I haven't a clue what it is if it isn't a bacterial bloom.
I would leave it until tomorrow to be honest, going through the post has to be quite stressful!

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