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  1. Jamie87

    New Start

    I have a 56g tank its 24inches tall, 18inches deep, and 3inches wide. I have the 50/50 coralife bulb..which is 40watts. I should have about 120 shouldn't I? Well, I don't really have the money for that right now, but my friend gave me a co2 injector, the brand is nutrafin if that matters...
  2. Jamie87

    Whats The Matter With Blinky?

    I'm pretty sure corys are sensitive to medications..I could be wrong tho! But maybe it had something to do with that.
  3. Jamie87

    Need Help

    so the other day I was at a friends and noticed their ram was acting strange. I haven't seen this, and can't really think of what it would be. basically she is pale in color, and is sitting at the bottom of the tank. She doesn't seem able to swim, but kinda like..bounces / hops..? along the...
  4. Jamie87

    Sick Fish

    Alright, thank you.
  5. Jamie87

    Sick Fish

    so the other day I was at a friends and noticed their ram was acting strange. I haven't seen this, and can't really think of what it would be. basically she is pale in color, and is sitting at the bottom of the tank. She doesn't seem able to swim, but kinda like..bounces / hops..? along the...
  6. Jamie87

    Love This Pleco

    Thank you =] He is pretty amazing. I gotta get new/more recent pics of him on here tho.
  7. Jamie87

    Love This Pleco

    yeah, I love zebra plecs.. but never have seen one like this.
  8. Jamie87

    Love This Pleco

    Anyone know what kind this is?
  9. Jamie87

    Snail Eating Fish

    Hmm..I agree with you on this. It's always been my understanding that they are brackish.
  10. Jamie87

    Background Help!?!?\ sucks.
  11. Jamie87

    Stock That Tank!

  12. Jamie87

    Stock That Tank!

    =\ :unsure:
  13. Jamie87

    Background Help!?!?

  14. Jamie87

    29g Stocking

    I'd.go.with.some.rams=] Maybe.a.male.betta.
  15. Jamie87

    Stock That Tank!'re.alright.though.I'm.not.sure.bout.with.the.neons. paradise
  16. Jamie87

    Stocking.questions.' 1.female.ram 3.rasboras 1.clown.pleco 2.khuli.loaches. 5.danios Had.some.trouble.with.ick.=\
  17. Jamie87

    Help With Stocking

    I've read that danios aren't too great with delicate fish. Since they're so active they tend to stress them out..tho this was about discus which I believe are more sensitive than angels.
  18. Jamie87

    Raphael Catfish

    He'll usually come out from his hiding place when I feed. Rams, rasboras, orange von rio flames, danios, ottos, and some corries. And a newly added clown pleco.
  19. Jamie87

    Raphael Catfish

    Well I feed my fish fishflakes everyday .. twice a day. and maybe about 3 times a week i'll give them blood worms.
  20. Jamie87


    So I was thinking of maybe getting a newt or a salamander or two..maybe a 10gal tank. I would have land. And I was thinking maybe a betta...would that work? Have the water about 6-7 inches deep..
  21. Jamie87

    More Then 1 Pleco?

    I just bought a clown Pleco..I was wondering if I could also get a royal pleco..?? My tank is 56gals. bout 24"tall, 30"long, and 18" wide{back to front"
  22. Jamie87

    Raphael Catfish

    I have a raphael catfish, haven't had him for too long, about a week or so... What I was wondering is that it's belly is very rounded...looks some what bloated. I've seen this in other ones in petstores and such...I was just wondering if this is normal or not.
  23. Jamie87

    My Tank..

    My tank is's 25" tall, 30" long and 18"wide{front to back} Right now I have 5 germen blue rams, danios, rasaboras, orange von rio flames, corys, few guppies, and a loach. I am soon going to be getting probably about 6 ottos and a pleco...maybe a royal pleco or a bristle nose. I...
  24. Jamie87

    Lot Tech Tank

    It's a 56gal tall.. kinda like a square..just maybe a little taller then wide. And No I mean a strip light that has 3 places to put a uv light.
  25. Jamie87

    Lot Tech Tank

    Other thing i'm worrying bout is the lighting. I'm gonna have to go out and buy one of the strip lights that have 3 places for a bulb..aren't I? Cause those are like..another 100 right there.
  26. Jamie87

    Lot Tech Tank

    I want to set up a planted tank. I guess since it's my first..and i'm not in the position to be spending lots of money..I figured i'd go with a low tech planted tank. I know I want to have a lot of bottom a school of cories and maybe a repheal cat fish. and I heard that the flourite...
  27. Jamie87

    Need Help Getting Started.

    I have the tank and it was a christmas gift from my parents...I know, I would have rather had the 55gal long..but gotta deal with what I have. So I am now working on getting the heater, filter, the co2 thing ,and laterite Is flourite and laterite kind of the same thing? Does flourite work as...
  28. Jamie87

    Need Help Getting Started. I have a 56g tall tank. I really want a sand bottom with live plants. I've read on here that a lot of people use laterite to help the plants grow... Does this ever need to be replaced? I don't plan on going super all out with the plants..but maybe in the future I may want to go all...
  29. Jamie87

    Need Help with the Laterite stuff do I need to change that out ever?
  30. Jamie87

    Need Help

    I have a 56gal's not set up yet. I plan to have a sand bottom with live plants. I need to know.. what kind of sand to buy, and do I need any kind of substrate under the sand in order for the plants to grow and be healthy?
  31. Jamie87

    Need Lots Of Info! :)

    I'm not getting them to breed em..I just want to put them in my tank. Tho, if I notice they are breeding I will most likely try to make sure they babies live.
  32. Jamie87

    Need Lots Of Info! :) I have a 56 gal tall aquarium. Which at the moment is completely empty... I don't even have a filter or heater or it'll be easy for me to get exactly what I need. I was at the lfs the other night and saw some blue rams and feel in love with em! I looked them up a...
  33. Jamie87

    Erm..need Advice

    Not at all...I don't actually get it till christmas...I didn't see it on purpose. But it's kinda hard to hide a big fishy tank.
  34. Jamie87

    Erm..need Advice

    Thanks, this is gonna take a lot of thinking, and re thinking... :)
  35. Jamie87

    Erm..need Advice

    So for christmas I was asking for a 55gal tank..and I got a 56gal but it's tall..not long...hmm...kinda messes with what my stocking plans were going to be. 3 clown loaches {which could be moved later if needed} 4 spotted corries 6 orange von rio flame tetras 6 Rasobra Het. 5 long fined red...
  36. Jamie87

    Ok For 10g?

    Alrighty thank you. I'm not sure on the tank's actually my friend's mom's tank. It was gonna be a surprise for her. And I was gonna be the one taking care of it (for a little while, mainly till I can teach her how to) kinda needs to be a low maintence tank. She hasn't had...
  37. Jamie87

    Ok For 10g?

    is this ok for a ten gal? 1 male betta 3 corys 1 african dwarf frog & 1 pleco that gets about 5 inches (prolly not this one, right?) it has to be filtered and have a heater, right?
  38. Jamie87

    New Tank..need Help

    Alright. thank you.
  39. Jamie87

    New Tank..need Help

    I'm gonna be getting a 55gal tank soon (tomorrow I think) and I want to have a sand bottom tank with live plants. What kind of sand do I use..Play sand? And do I have to have somesthing else on the help the plants grow? Cause there's this stuff for planted tanks to have as a...
  40. Jamie87


    With tetras school with others? like..will rasbora hets school with von rio flame tetras? or long-finned red minor tetras school with black phantom tetra?