Sick Fish


Fish Fanatic
Jul 12, 2006
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so the other day I was at a friends and noticed their ram was acting strange. I haven't seen this, and can't really think of what it would be.

basically she is pale in color, and is sitting at the bottom of the tank. She doesn't seem able to swim, but kinda like..bounces / hops..? along the bottom.

Any ideas?
Try posting in tropical emergencies, theres a few people that can safely be called experts in stuff like this.
Without water params it would be hard to tell. But if the fish cant swim, I would imagine it to be in some distress and euthanasia would be kinder.
Without water params it would be hard to tell. But if the fish cant swim, I would imagine it to be in some distress and euthanasia would be kinder.
so the fact that a fish is in some distress calls for euthanasia? i think a diagnosis should be made and an attempt made at treating the disease/condition before euthanasia is even mentioned.

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