Help With Stocking


Fish Herder
Oct 30, 2007
Reaction score
Florida, USA
I have a 29 gallon tank with:

1 small Angel
1 Gold Ram
3 Diamond Tetras
5 Corys
1 BN Pleco

I love the Angel, Pleco and Ram. They Corys hide all the time and I only see them at feeding. I believe it is because the Pleco chases and scatters them about. I think I should re-home them. I do not care for the Tetras, I have found I really am not fond of any Tetras. Boring twitchy little things.

Any other small Cichlid I can add or a school of somthing pretty that will get along with the Angel ? I admire Catfish and Sharks too, but have no knowledge as to anything compatible.

Thanks !
I've had Danios before. I read somewhere that they were too nippy to be with Angels. I never seen mine being nippy, so not sure. I do not see any really pretty ones in my area, but have found some pretty ones on-line along with White Cloud Minnows. Anyone keep Danios or White Clouds with Angels ?
Danios, like giant danios are usually fine, the giant danios get big, but they usually stick to themselves unless with smaller fish (such as tetras)
Some other choices are Barbs (tiger barbs, which are my favorite)
Rasboras, which, due to the small size, could be kept in a good size school in your tank, i'd say of anywhere from 4-8
Some tetras can actually be really nice, like serpaes, though they might not be good with the angel.
Livebearers (mollies, swordtails, guppies, etc.) are a rather good choice, but they do breed quite a bit, which would be good eatin' for the other fish ;)
or, if you want to, you can go (which is usually) the more expensive route and buy some rainbow fish, ones here go for $12+, but you can get some cheaper ones
as for cichlids, i can only suggest about three, which would be firemouths or convicts, which would have to be female, because male tends to be a lot more aggressive, and for convicts, they get big as males. OR you can get keyhole cichlids, which tend to stay to a relatively small size and tend to be rather calm.
Or you could just get more angels or rams
I like barbs too but I'd be hesitant to put them with angels (especially tiger barbs), they can be fairly nippy. Although having them in a large enough group seems to curb nippiness.
if you were to add another ram, i would stick with just one and make sure that it is off the opposite sex as the one you have now. i have zebra danios in my 20 gallon ram tank and they arent the least bit nippy, and i have the long finned variety of rams. rasboras are real nice, harlequins.
I've read that danios aren't too great with delicate fish. Since they're so active they tend to stress them out..tho this was about discus which I believe are more sensitive than angels.
cockatoos (or any other apistogrammas) are stunning fish and are very interesting. they stay smaller in size and once you remove the corys and tetras, the tank size should be alright. as far as my experience goes, they are quite peaceful and have no trouble with rams. I have never kept them with angels, but if your angel is smaller in size (which they should be because of your tank size) they should be alright. they are new world cichlid so they share similar water chemistry as well. if you are interested in apistogrammas let me know and i will provide you with greater details.

from my experience tetras/danios/etc are really dull, and if you do not find your tetras interesting, i do not think any other types of danios, rasboras, or other schooling fish will interest you.

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