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  1. J

    Sick Congo Puffer

    mystery patch has gone i am confused but relieved
  2. J

    Sick Congo Puffer - Help!

    20 gallons uk - well established tank one congo puffer 27 degrees ph 8 others i need new test gear for but this morning - the white stuff has gone, leaving only a very small greyish patch on him that looks flat and like skin colouration. is it possible that he grazed himself on his log and the...
  3. J

    Sick Congo Puffer

    ph 8 temp 27 degrees need to buy more ammonia and so on test kits, will post info later
  4. J

    Sick Congo Puffer

    in a bid to feel useful i've just done an 80 per cent water change and rinsed one of my filter pads noticed some of the white stuff has gone - i guess it was rubbed off when puff was burying himself in the sand. should i see if extremely gentle rubbing on my part might dislodge a bit more? the...
  5. J

    Sick Congo Puffer - Help!

    in a bid to feel useful i've just done an 80 per cent water change and rinsed one of my filter pads noticed some of the white stuff has gone - i guess it was rubbed off when puff was burying himself in the sand. should i see if extremely gentle rubbing on my part might dislodge a bit more? the...
  6. J

    Sick Congo Puffer - Help!

    hey guys quite concerned - noticed this morning that my congo puffer has a strange patch of greyish white on him. its quite small and to the front of the gills. looks like some kind of algae growing on him - white ish and a bit feathery, its not dense, more kind of floaty. tried to photograph...
  7. J

    Sick Congo Puffer

    hey guys quite concerned - noticed this morning that my congo puffer has a strange patch of greyish white on him. its quite small and to the front of the gills. looks like some kind of algae growing on him - white ish and a bit feathery, its not dense, more kind of floaty. tried to photograph...
  8. J

    What Do You Buy From Wildwoods?

    as far as i remember no they dont have an amazing plant selection although they do tend to sell quite nice condition various plants attached to wood for about £15 the one i bought is about 6 inches long and the plant the name of which escapes me is still going strong a year later i wouldnt get...
  9. J

    Stunted Puffer?

    ahhhh ok, thanks for that do you think then that the fish will retain that body shape for life - or would he/she become more of a natural shape over time in better conditions?
  10. J

    Stunted Puffer? okay here it is - now a four foot tank may be too small but what does fella mean when he says that you can see that the fish is stunted? Is it something to do with body shape? (and just incase any one is wondering i do not have one...
  11. J

    Stunted Puffer?

    yes i am aware of tank factors and so on and obviously no one would 'try' to keep their fish in a tank smaller than what it required if they intended to look after it properly or purposely look for one that was stunted - but this isn't really what i was getting at i was curious as to the...
  12. J

    Stunted Puffer?

    hi i've been reading a bit about stunted puffers - but i'm curious how do you tell when they are stunted? Is there a physical characteristic to look out for or is it a case of a fish very obviously (size wise) in a tank too small for it and saying from that alone that the fish is stunted? cheers
  13. J

    Glass Catfishes

    live daphnia - they go crazy for it they also seem quite keen on hoovering up the food for the other fish - sinking cichlid pellets and dried brine shrimp if you have a current in the tank that moves the food in the current - this might help encourage them to eat
  14. J

    Puffer Food

    try breaking the cockle into smaller peices, my puffer won't touch anything he can't get in his mouth in one if you can't get snails free from your lfs - try either buying some pouch snails (bog standard pond snails) and breeding them or go on the sale and swap pages and request some - i'm more...
  15. J

    If You Live In The Uk

  16. J

    Fat Puffer

    yeah i guess his little face is staring out at me with a decidedly feed me look in his eyes just gonna add a photo
  17. J

    Fat Puffer

    he's fed once a day every day i'll charge the camera over night and then you can judge for yourself tomorrow!
  18. J

    Fat Puffer

    i wasn't planning to eat him :lol: thanks, i'll put him on diet
  19. J

    Fat Puffer

    i have a case of a decidedly fat puffer (no way she he it is pregnant) - had embarked on a heavy feeding program to get his weight up - he'd got very thin in the first few weeks i had him and now well, he's a bit of a heavy weight. what i'm wondering is whether there's any danger to him - i'm...
  20. J

    Puffer For A 28g

    five heavily planting is a good idea to give them lots to explore i think ottos are generally recomended to keep with them but not much else
  21. J

    Oddballs For A 20gal?

    my congo eats dead prawns and mussels - you don't have to live feed if you don't want to i can't quite believe you actually saw a congo i waited for 6 months before i found one!
  22. J

    Maidenhead Aquatics............

    have to say i've been to MA hillingdon and i wouldn't buy fish from there also doubtful is the one at iver - yes nice stock, yes nice tanks - clean etc buuuut i've fish from there which have died before i've even got home so not all good. to make up for it though the st albans one is great...
  23. J

    Oddballs For A 20gal?

    have a look at fellas pinned topic at the top of this page - very helpful or maybe its by cfc anyway - its about oddballs for 20gallons (UK) or less how about congo puffer Tetraodon miurus...? although they are entirely freshwater also depending on where you are maidenhead aquatics at st...
  24. J

    Im Thinking On Getting A New Tank

    definately work out which puffer you want first! they're all different but fascinating little and not very little fish if money is a problem - how about pigmy puffers - very cheap (two pounds each in my lfs) and depending on the tank you could have a few... note - the name dwarf puffer is...
  25. J

    Reply To Worst Tank Ever. (look At This Its Sick)

    it bemuses me on several fronts 1. why someone who obviously likes fish to have that many doesn't look after them properly 2. why someone would spend so much money buying all those fish but not buy a big tank.... he must buy a lot of replacements due to illness and stress losses so why not...
  26. J

    What's The Funniest Thing Your Fish Has Ever Done?

    i have a congo puffer on my desk who sits right up against the glass most days and watches me, whenever i pick up a red pen he goes absolutely mad swimming up and down the glass and grinding his teeth, he's even puffed himself up once. However if i write with any other pen thats ok. I guess the...
  27. J

    Pregnant Khulie

    thanks, am keeping a close eye on them little khulies must be sooo cute
  28. J

    Pregnant Khulie

    one of my khulie loachs is pregnant but i'm not sure what i do now - any advice?
  29. J

    Feeding Questions

    i feed once a day and have pellets, flakes brine shrimp blood worns and daphnia which i rotate but doing all flakes one day then all pellets the next then blood worm the next - well you get the idea although i always add sinking pellets for the corries and khulie loaches and do daphnia and...
  30. J

    Help With Oddball?

    not all puffers are brackish, some are entirely freshwater
  31. J

    New Fish Are Dead

    just leave the carbon where it is for now - normally with a cycled tank that you were going to treat you would remove the carbons but at the minute i don't think it will matter. i noticed you still need an answer on the fish front and feeding - yes feeding them twice is ok but once is okay too...
  32. J

    Imagine These In Your Living Room!

    it would be beautiful as someone else's aquascape i agree :)
  33. J

    Copper Coins

    time for a puffer puffer puffer (not entirely sure why i had to type that three times - probably puffer related enthusiasm, sorry)
  34. J

    Imagine These In Your Living Room!

    i think its the maintainence that would be a problem - how in hell would you reach the gravel!! there's just something really not right about those tanks. the stand being wood isn't a problem - wood is extremely strong in compression - its more the joints between the different peices of wood...
  35. J

    Has Anyone Ever

    you might want to also consider that the sale of live things on ebay is against their own selling rules so i'm not sure how much help you'd get from them in the event of a problem
  36. J

    Keeping A Pufferfish Entertained

    how about moving and altering everything around every so often, a friend does that with her puffers - its quite entertaining watching them swimming around like hey whats this... a new cave, hmmm veeeery interesting
  37. J

    20 Gallon Tank Set Up

    you could reduce your corries to four thereby not overstocking... i might be a bit gunho to suggest this but i don't consider one fish the size of an apisto or a corrie to be massive overstocking, if you keep on top of your water as you say it should be fine right i'm ready to be slated on that...
  38. J

    20 Gallon Tank Set Up

    i don't know about the keyhole and the apistos sorry. but yes one female would be okay initially - just be prepared that you may have to add another if it becomes apparent that the males attempts to breed with the single female really starts to stress her out. i do think that if you have a lot...
  39. J

    Has Anyone Ever

    hey the only thing i would be concerned about with the ebay guy is that some of those photos are ones i have found recently when researching fish on other peoples pages so it would suggest that its a bit of a copy paste job and not photos of his actual fish - however this maybe unfair. i guess...
  40. J

    20 Gallon Tank Set Up

    sounds fine to me i have apistos and corys. the only thing is that ideally you would have two ladies for your male which i don't see a problem with in twenty gallons to be honest, just make sure you have lots of caves and add the two females together.