Sick Congo Puffer


Fish Crazy
Jul 10, 2006
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hey guys

quite concerned - noticed this morning that my congo puffer has a strange patch of greyish white on him.
its quite small and to the front of the gills.

looks like some kind of algae growing on him - white ish and a bit feathery, its not dense, more kind of floaty.

tried to photograph it but my cameras not good enough to focus on it.

he's fine in himself and is eating.

what do you think it might be and what can i do?
in a bid to feel useful i've just done an 80 per cent water change and rinsed one of my filter pads

noticed some of the white stuff has gone - i guess it was rubbed off when puff was burying himself in the sand.

should i see if extremely gentle rubbing on my part might dislodge a bit more?
the skin isn't broken - its just on top.
ph 8
temp 27 degrees

need to buy more ammonia and so on test kits, will post info later
mystery patch has gone
i am confused but relieved

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