New Fish Are Dead

you shouldn't really use carbon as a regular method of filtration, i'd take it out. it's great for removing meds from the water but it stops working quite quickly and then releases everything back into the water. only time i use it is after medicating when i'll stick it in for a day or two then remove it.

the bits of the instructiosn you should follow i've highligted in bold, ignore the rest.

Ammo Lock:
Add 5ml per 38L of aquarium water. Continue to add AMMO-Lock every 2 days until ammonia is not detected. If, after 7days, ammonia is still present, perform a partial water change, service your biological filter and reduce feeding.

Stress Zyme:
Shake Well. New Aquarums first, use STRESS COAT (Which I have done) to remove chlorine, Next on the 1st, 7th and 14th Days add 10ml of STRESS Zyme per 38L of aquarium water,Thereafter and for exisiting aquariums: To maintain good water quality & healthy biological filtration, add 5ml of Stress Zyme per 28L of water weekly

I use the API Master Test Kit, a lot of other people on here do too, it's about £18 most places, easy to use and relativley accurate.

I'd say reduce feeding to once a day for the time being.

Many thanks for the replys,

Well am going to add another 3ml of ammo lock tonight as it has now been 2 days from when i added it first. The fish seem alot more active in the tank now and i have not lost any more yet and have had them for 7days now.

i guest i dont add anymore STRESS Zyme to the tank now and just the last doss of ammo lock.

Should i remove the carbon filter or not or is it ok to still use in the tank

Many Thanks
just leave the carbon where it is for now - normally with a cycled tank that you were going to treat you would remove the carbons but at the minute i don't think it will matter.

i noticed you still need an answer on the fish front and feeding - yes feeding them twice is ok but once is okay too. don't worry your fish won't starve!
a good way of testing if you are feeding too much is to give them half the amount of food you normally do in the morning say and watch them - if they eat all of it in about five minutes you are feeding the right amount if however they eat it all within one or two give them a tiny bit more.

If you notice uneaten food in the tank or they take longer than five minutes you are feeding them too much. I think i'm right in deducting that you have two neons left - they really don't eat very much at all as there's only two of them and it can be hard to get it right. keep trying!

go back to maidenhead aquatics and shout at them - they really should know better, normally they are a good (generally) chain

good luck
We have 5 Neon Fish left, 2 died last week just a day or so after we got them.

I have been feeding them at about 9am in the morning and only giving them about a 5 pence size of food and also one food pellet for the bottom feeder sucker fish.

then at night doing the same again for the neons with the food.


just leave the carbon where it is for now - normally with a cycled tank that you were going to treat you would remove the carbons but at the minute i don't think it will matter.

i noticed you still need an answer on the fish front and feeding - yes feeding them twice is ok but once is okay too. don't worry your fish won't starve!
a good way of testing if you are feeding too much is to give them half the amount of food you normally do in the morning say and watch them - if they eat all of it in about five minutes you are feeding the right amount if however they eat it all within one or two give them a tiny bit more.

If you notice uneaten food in the tank or they take longer than five minutes you are feeding them too much. I think i'm right in deducting that you have two neons left - they really don't eat very much at all as there's only two of them and it can be hard to get it right. keep trying!

go back to maidenhead aquatics and shout at them - they really should know better, normally they are a good (generally) chain

good luck
just leave the carbon where it is for now - normally with a cycled tank that you were going to treat you would remove the carbons but at the minute i don't think it will matter.

i disagree, i think you should definately take the carbon out. it will be removing the products your adding to the water thus rending it pointless adding them. :/

good advice about the food though, i only feed all my tanks once a day, don't think more is needed unless your fish are grazers which none of yours are.
Why is everyone pointing straight at his ammonia levels and jumping on the uncylcled idea, Could his neons not have simply died due to stress from being caught, transoported,not aclimatised enough then released in a new enviroment. I just bought a few cardinals and between purchasing them and walking 800yrds to my house one was very dull and died within 15mins of being caught in the shop and the bag placed in my tank ready for them to be acclimatised.

It may be worth 1st off getting a water test kit to check your ammonia levels before treating it for high levels. But then again im a newb as i have just started up again after 10yrs so im just stating what i would check for. Alot of people on here dont believe in cycling with fish but adding fish after two weeks may not have been the ultimate reason why you lost two, as most people who add a few tetras (especially neons) may quite easily lose a couple in transit or shortly after being included in their Cycled tank.

My mate lost four of 15 that were added to his 3yr old mature tank in the 1st day they were added. And his water CHEMISTRY was spot on.
Just an update on my above problemes:

Fish seem to be very more active in the tank but a have noticed a few very little whit specs on some of the neons but not sure what they are. I cannot remember seeing them a few days ago but not 100% sure.

If its like white grains of salt, its white spot disease also known as Ich. Ive been skimming this thread and you MUST remove carbon from filter beofre adding any meds or other like substances. The Carbon will just remove all you added without it working in the tank.

simple thing.

If you add meds, stress zhyme etc always REMOVE the CARBON first otherwise there is no point applying the meds.

Its hard to tell but they just seem like the odd white spot and i think i can see 1 or 2 on the side of the tank. Is there a picture on here that you have that shows Ich.

I have 2 filters. One is a black filter and the other is like a fine foam of some kind in a plastic housing. Which one is the carbon filter.

So all the water treatment like the Ammo Lock and Stree Zhyme that i have addeed over the last few days wont have worked as the carbon filter is in the tank.

Do i need to take the carbon filter out and add the meds again


If its like white grains of salt, its white spot disease also known as Ich. Ive been skimming this thread and you MUST remove carbon from filter beofre adding any meds or other like substances. The Carbon will just remove all you added without it working in the tank.

simple thing.

If you add meds, stress zhyme etc always REMOVE the CARBON first otherwise there is no point applying the meds.
How long is it best to keep the carbon filter out the tank.

One more fish dead today :-(

Been out and got a test kit. Here are my results below:

Ammonia - 4.0+ mg/l
Nitrate (No3) - 20.00
Nitrate (No2) - 1.0
Total Hardness (GH) - 300 (17.0)
Total Alkalinty (KH) - 120 (7.0)
PH - 8.4

Please advise what to do

Many Thanks

What temprature is about 27c

Been to the local aquatic specialist and not PET's At HOME today. They have advised me to carry out a 50% Water Change and then add fresh water with 2ml Of Ammo Lock due to the high level of Ammonia in the tank.

I have done this and will test the water for everything again on Monday

I found the local aquatic shop very helpfull and they gave me alot more help than Pets at home store did. They also offered that if i did not get the probleme sorted that they would come round and have a look for me just to give me a hand.

Today i have brought a Water Test Kit, Ammonia Test Kit, Water Change Pump Thing LOL, and a Thermometer.

How do people keep a log of all the tests they carry out in the tank. I was thinking of logging in Excell. also with the following probleme how offen should i carry out the tests

thats really nice of the people offering to come and help you if you cant sort the problem! Did you find out if you have ich? You really need to treat it if you do.

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