20 Gallon Tank Set Up


Apr 24, 2006
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How does this sound? A pair of Apistogramma cacatuoides and 5 leopard cories. I'm getting the tank soon, and it will replace one of my 10 gallons. I have a male apisto already, and I want to get a girl for him. :D
sounds fine to me i have apistos and corys. the only thing is that ideally you would have two ladies for your male which i don't see a problem with in twenty gallons to be honest, just make sure you have lots of caves and add the two females together.
Should I just leave him on his own then in the 20 gallon? Or would 1 female be all right?
This is my first experience with apistos, which is why I am asking this. I do have a 33 gallon tank, but there is a keyhole cichlid in there, which I would rather keep.
I don't know if putting a trio of apistos in there with the keyhole would be a wise idea.
i don't know about the keyhole and the apistos sorry.
but yes one female would be okay initially - just be prepared that you may have to add another if it becomes apparent that the males attempts to breed with the single female really starts to stress her out. i do think that if you have a lot caves and plants that two females will be ok. ideally yes you would have a bigger tank but if its any help i have a 20 gallon tank in which i keep three apistos and some corries and some cherry barbs as dither fish (means fish that hang in the stream of the water) to give the shy apistos confidence in the tank.
if you do want to go down the three apisto route i can't stress the importance of numerous caves and plants and other hiding places enough.

apistos are fantastic little fish - you'll love them.

ps. just to clarify i had to add another female as my male was stressing my little lady out - i didn't start with this configuration.

i think on reflection it would be best to start with one female and see how you go - it may never be a problem.
also based on the one cichlid per ten gallons rule of thumb you'd need a 40 gallon tank for 3 apistos and the keyhole - or maybe that rule doesn't apply to the keyhole... sorry not much help on this front
All right. Thanks. I think I'll put him in the 20 gallon when I get it, and then see about getting him a lady.
I think if I have really good filtration and do frequent water changes it will be all right if it's overstocked.
you could reduce your corries to four thereby not overstocking...
i might be a bit gunho to suggest this but i don't consider one fish the size of an apisto or a corrie to be massive overstocking, if you keep on top of your water as you say it should be fine

right i'm ready to be slated on that one !! :)
I don't consider it massively overstocking, either. So long as my fish are happy and feel secure, it's all good in my opinion.

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