Search results

  1. M

    Hospital Tank Filtration?

    Hey all   I've gotten a small 12litre plastic tank for treating sick fish for the rare occasion it occurs. I have a heater for it now just thinking about filtration.   What kind of filter will suffice? As it's not going to be in use 24/7 how would one deal with the lack of bacteria when needed...
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    No Led Retrofit - New Hood/top?

    I'll stick with the twin 15w t5. Allpondsolutions do them both for £12 delivered!
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    No Led Retrofit - New Hood/top?

    Hey all   I have an All pond solutions tank - they don't do it anymore - roughly 60cm width by 40cm depth. 100 litres (I believe).      The bulbs are T5 15w (two of them) and most local shops don't stock it. All pond solutions have the pair for £12 odd including delivery.    Now I was getting a...
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    Upgrading To A Larger Tank In Situ

    And then put the old filter media in with the new, put the fish into the new tank and thats it - no cycle needed as the filter media would share the bacteria so to speak?
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    Upgrading To A Larger Tank In Situ

    Hey :)   About to upgrade from 70l to 100l (not large i know but the biggest size will allow!)   Anyway, never changed tanks before. Whats the best method for transferring to my new tank - when the new tank needs to go in place of the old one! Whilst maintaining all the bacteria etc. too!   Want...
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    Where To Buy Basic Tank/cabinet

    feck that won't fit the only place the parents will let me have one.   looks like its the 100litre tank for me!   still £199 all in is a good buy...still tempted by their external range though. shame they dont do a 150lish one
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    Where To Buy Basic Tank/cabinet

    Yeh I'm in the UK. Dont think there is anywhere local tbh. I'm between Hereford and Shrewsbury. I'll check pond solutions out thanks. Looking for about 150-180l and spend about 300 all in hopefully!
  8. M

    Where To Buy Basic Tank/cabinet

    Hello :) In the quest for a new tank I'd rather save money and get a basic tank and cabinet with standard t5 lighting than get a branded tank with internal filter/heater and just get a decent external filter with inline heater. Sounds a plan? Is there anywhere that fulfils this? Cheers :)
  9. M

    Opinion On New Aquarium

    Ooh very nice. I was aiming to go external filter and heater this time round as internal was always a pain to clean and media is always a bit proprietary. What about led conversion?
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    Opinion On New Aquarium

    Hey. Time has come to upgrade from my 70l to something a bit bigger and substantial. I'm limited on budget and size and was looking at this It actually comes with the ex1000 not ex200 external filter. I was...
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    Purchasing An Aquarium Online

    Thanks ill check them out :) My first tank is getting a bit long in the tooth and i think i've outgrown 70l :)
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    Purchasing An Aquarium Online

    Does anyone have any recommendations for online retailers for buying an aquarium/stand etc. in the UK? Local shops are either too limited or too expensive :)
  13. M

    I Want To Breed Cherry Shrimp

    So basically a small tank, plenty of places to hide and a small filter that won't suck them in!
  14. M

    I Want To Breed Cherry Shrimp

    Any recommendations on tanks, features, filtration etc. for a newbie ....on a budget :P thanks
  15. M

    Easiest Way To Eliminate Brush Algae

    I'll try it and see how it goes. I'll remove what I can by scrubbing/spraying with excel and then dose the tank appropriately unless the same can be achieved in the tank without affecting livestock? Carbon filtering won't remove excel will it?
  16. M

    Easiest Way To Eliminate Brush Algae

    Thanks I do usually get the water the day before and use an airstone to bubble it up. There is pretty good surface agitation however i did suspect 36w was quite high. I do usually do quite a large water change around 40% each time - that might not be helping. Is there an easy way to measure...
  17. M

    Easiest Way To Eliminate Brush Algae

    Thanks very much! I have a 36w daylight plus (interpet) light on it. What would you recommend? CO2 increase or just a change in water changes?
  18. M

    Easiest Way To Eliminate Brush Algae

    I know its bad asking for the easiest route, but I am only back and forth from uni on a weekly basis and the brush algae has started to take over. What is the easiest way to beat it back? Nowhere around here ever have flying fox in stock. I don't have a large enough budget for CO2 equipment I...
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    Girlfriend's First Tank

    Thanks for that :) will take a look!
  20. M

    2 Tanks For Sale

    Where abouts in Birmingham? :)
  21. M

    Girlfriend's First Tank

    Good idea! Any ideas on specific makes/packages or just go for a brand I recognise?
  22. M

    Girlfriend's First Tank

    Hello Got my girlfriend interested in keeping trops :) After some recommendations on tanks/setups please :) She's after a nice smallish tank which looks nice. Mainly she wants to keep guppies, mollies and even a Siamese fighting fish! Not sure whether to look at package deals or buy...
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    Need A Replacement Maintenance Heater

    Just went to do a water change and managed to drop the #41#### thing. What a mess! Anyway, a lot of sweeping and hoovering later, I need to buy a new heater. This is just really gonna be used for heating water changes. Maybe a temporary backup. Water changes are only about 20-30L. Recommended...
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    Wtb Cherry Shrimp No Longer Needed

    Found some please close :)
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    Wtb Cherry Shrimp No Longer Needed

    Hey all I would like to stock my tank with some cherry shrimp, a mixture of males and females please :) If anyone has any I would be very grateful. Cheers! Sam
  26. M

    Interpet 36W 16" Compact T5

    Found them £20 here Ordered a couple in case stock gets lower :)
  27. M

    Gurgling Tmc 200 Skimmer

    My grandad has recently fitted a TMC 200 skimmer to his marine tank and its gurgling like hell! As if water is being taken in with the air. Its spot on with the recommended water level. We tried raising it higher and the gurgling noise is still the same - offputting! Anyone got an idea on how...
  28. M

    Interpet 36W 16" Compact T5

    Hi all I've found these lights harder and harder to get ahold of recently. I've never tried any other brands but would be ok with it as long as it works :P Needs to be ok for growing plants, 70litres of water. £27.99 is what I've found the 16" 36w daylight plus for...A bit expensive...
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    Plant Pack ?

    Indeed but i need slow growers/low maintenance I dont have much time for maintaining but when i do, i dont wanna spend time cutting back a jungle :P
  30. M

    Plant Pack ?

    Had to strip my tank recently due to too many plants for me to maintain it (fish were getting ill, couldnt siphon gravel etc.) So now I need a plant pack not expensive, easy to keep etc. but not going to outgrow me in weeks :D
  31. M

    How To Catch The Shrimps

    ok thanks guys :)
  32. M

    How To Catch The Shrimps

    Hey all Recently had an issue with the tank so i've transferred to a temporary tank for now.. Just need to catch all the shrimps to move them across too At the moment I am trying to get them by leaving the net in there with some algae wafers on...not working too well ideas?
  33. M

    I Need A List Of 30 Popular Tropical Fish

    thanks lee k! ill check the species index and ask the OP if its ok to use the content thanks
  34. M

    I Need A List Of 30 Popular Tropical Fish

    Hey guys I need to make a mock website up (aka it wont be going live) and I need about 30 popular tropicals to recommend to beginners. Ranging from tetras to catfish ya know. Also with royalty free images/images on the forum where i can ask for permission :) thanks
  35. M

    Age Of Tropical Fishkeeper

    Hi guys I am doing a bit of research to find out the age ranges for tropical fishkeepers for a tutorial website I am developing for new fishkeepers (for tropical). Please choose the relevant age range from above as accurately as possible :good: Remember I want the age at which you started...
  36. M

    Burn, Cut Or Drill?

    Hey Looks awesome - Easily modded for external too Love the structured background, think il get similar Did you silicon the background to the tank? Sorry dont recall seeing if you did or not in the log
  37. M

    Planning A New Setup

    Shopping list then: Tetratec ex1200 Trigon 190 40w T5 (if two lights that will be two 20w then?) Got any specific species of plants to ask for? 200w hydor inline heater Uv thing on the inline pointless? Eco complete substrate With that substrate I wont need to dose ferts etc. will i unless I...
  38. M

    Burn, Cut Or Drill?

    i was looking at a trigon and fitting a tetratec ex700 to it how did you sort it and what does the final product look like?
  39. M

    Planning A New Setup

    the hood supplied with the trigon looks like it would have to be cut or somethin to accomodate the pipes so for the 190, a tectratec ex700 should be good to go? I'm aiming for an inline heater too to keep the tank less cluttered - which wattage for such a tank Also what wattage of lighting...
  40. M

    Planning A New Setup

    hey perhaps no co2 wud be cheaper and easier then? some people had problems with the venezia and condensation on the hood i think - my stockist can get the trigon 190 tho, it wud need modding for an external tho =/