Where To Buy Basic Tank/cabinet


Fish Fanatic
Jul 8, 2006
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Hello :)

In the quest for a new tank I'd rather save money and get a basic tank and cabinet with standard t5 lighting than get a branded tank with internal filter/heater and just get a decent external filter with inline heater. Sounds a plan? Is there anywhere that fulfils this?

Cheers :)
What size tank, and how much are you willing to spend ?
A country (and probably more local) location may prove helpful in making recommendations?
If you're in the UK, All Pond Solutions do some very affordable tanks. They're not the usual brand but seem to get very good reviews!

I intend to get my next tank from there...a 200litre including cabinet for less than £350!
Yeh I'm in the UK. Dont think there is anywhere local tbh. I'm between Hereford and Shrewsbury.

I'll check pond solutions out thanks. Looking for about 150-180l and spend about 300 all in hopefully!
feck that won't fit the only place the parents will let me have one.
looks like its the 100litre tank for me!
still £199 all in is a good buy...still tempted by their external range though. shame they dont do a 150lish one

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