Girlfriend's First Tank


Fish Fanatic
Jul 8, 2006
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Got my girlfriend interested in keeping trops :)

After some recommendations on tanks/setups please :)

She's after a nice smallish tank which looks nice. Mainly she wants to keep guppies, mollies and even a Siamese fighting fish!

Not sure whether to look at package deals or buy separately but it has to be not too expensive. £70 as a ball park figure - for all the kit needed.

Not really interested in live plants, just something easy to look after (i can help out) and not expensive to maintain *cough* biorb *cough*

Thanks :)
Good idea! Any ideas on specific makes/packages or just go for a brand I recognise?
Are you in the UK? Pets at home have a fish box offer for £90 the 64 litre tank with filter heater and thermometer plus wooden stand. The offer ends July my sis got one but had to order because they were all sold out.

Btw if she wants guppies or a Betta (fighter) she will need to choose between the two. They cannot go together because of the guppies long flowing fins.

Or do what I did ebay pop in fish tank select how far you are willing to travel to collect it, I put 25 miles and hey presto you'll come up with what's for sale in your area. You can get full set ups cheap. I got my 60 litre with everything including stand for £60
Are you based in London? If so I can recommend so pretty good places.
Don't go the biorb route, they limit the fish types you can keep and the filter system isnt very well designed. Much better off with a second hand normal tank. Get the biggest one you can house, makes life easier with maintenance and gives more time to spot problems.
Or do what I did ebay pop in fish tank select how far you are willing to travel to collect it, I put 25 miles and hey presto you'll come up with what's for sale in your area. You can get full set ups cheap. I got my 60 litre with everything including stand for £60

I got my 50L which now has my betta and endlers (nice to look at, easy to maintain :hyper: ) for about £25 complete with light, stand, and heater. Ebay is AMAZING sometimes.

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