I Want To Breed Cherry Shrimp


Fish Fanatic
Jul 8, 2006
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Any recommendations on tanks, features, filtration etc. for a newbie

....on a budget :p

Any recommendations on tanks, features, filtration etc. for a newbie

....on a budget :p


Here is my setup (which is being shut down soon)

Elite 35
Marina C17 heater
Aqua one mini filter
JBL Manado substrate

Added 10-15 Cherry Shrimp, now have a colony of around 50+
Have it planted, with nice natural decoration and your onto a winner. They are arguably the easiest thing to breed in fishkeeping alongside some livebearers :good:

Good luck, James.
When I used to breed them, I started off with a 60l tank, 20 Shrimp and kept the temp at around 21-22 degrees. Give them lots of wood and moss to hide in and the right food and in time they will breed. Carry out small water changes on a weekly basis to keep the conditions right. Feed them something like JBL Prawn pellets. These have controlled levels of protein. Apparently a diet too rich in protein can hinder the shell shedding process and can damage the Shrimp.

Oh and they are very easy to breed. Within six - eight months, I had around 500.
So basically

a small tank, plenty of places to hide and a small filter that won't suck them in!
Filter can be any size just need to protect the intake. I put a mess around the intake. I use bath sponges you know the ones that are mesh. I use them for keeping moss on rocks and shrimp out on filters. Cool water my tanks are 70F or 20-21c.

10 gal tank is best a 5gal will work. Feed them well but not too much. Good clean water will get them in the mood. I have 4 berried moms right now. It's best to not keep them with fish because fish will pick off babies. Moss is a must it can be a good surface for bio film to grown and that is great baby shrimp food.

Cherry shrimp are easy no needs to worry about ph or substrate. The breed ever month once a mom has eggs it can take 3-4 weeks for them to release babies. Then another week or so to get saddled. Then once the female has the saddle she will be ready to breed after she molts.

Cherry shrimp are a great first time shrimp or any neocaridina aka Neo type shrimp. I now have tiger shrimp and bee shrimp. I am addicted to shrimp.

Here is one of my cherry moms.

I am breeding for really red shrimp. I give away any that are not higher quality.

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