Upgrading To A Larger Tank In Situ


Fish Fanatic
Jul 8, 2006
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Hey :)
About to upgrade from 70l to 100l (not large i know but the biggest size will allow!)
Anyway, never changed tanks before. Whats the best method for transferring to my new tank - when the new tank needs to go in place of the old one! Whilst maintaining all the bacteria etc. too!
Want to do it correctly :)
Get a large bucket from a hardware store (I use these for water changes and they make great storage for all your fish stuff) they hold about 40 litres and cost about £10 each - in this kind of upgrade you could probably move everything into the bucket then move the 70l and put the 100l into place. You would be able to keep the filter on in the big bucket as well so you dont have to worry about it too much :)
And then put the old filter media in with the new, put the fish into the new tank and thats it - no cycle needed as the filter media would share the bacteria so to speak?

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