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  1. C

    Fresh Water To Salt Water.

    empty and clean tank Add water(preferably RO water) and salt mix turn on powerheads(I think you need 10x water turnover for FO) wait till al salt is disolved and test salinity with Refractometer, adjust accordingly add live sand/aragonite/whatever you choose Add live Rock test parameters add fishies
  2. C

    Best Way Of Stacking Live Rock?

    D+D construction puttey is quite good and widely available in the UK and Ireland Comes in Purply coraline colour or standard terricotta
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    oops my bad, had things like that in my freshwater but never in either of my salty tanks
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    sorry worded that wrong, was in a rush put a powerhead close to the surface so the surface water is moving quite rapidly will video mine and show you tomorrow
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    Raise your powerheads to the surface is agitated
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    contact these and ask do they have any uk distrubutors
  7. C

    Uh Centipedes?

    Mine are 100% reef safe, I hear they are better in pairs as they come out more often, alone you might not see them much Just seen 2 worms in my sump while cleaning out my skimmer, want me to catch them and post them over to ya?
  8. C

    Uh Centipedes?

    Don't get so paranoid over worms :D I've 2 fire shrimp, 2 cleaner shrimp and 1(possibly 2 though)peppermint shrimp in my tank for over a year and a half without any issues. Although my Hawk fish is tempted to eat them and propably will one of these days LOL
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    Protien Skimmer

    TMC V2, Deltec
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    Set-up With No Sump

    I wouldnt bother with the 2 externals, maybe one to run rowaphos or similar if you already have one at hand but with loads of live rock and water movement IMO you dont need any externals at all You could put a fake wall(partition) at the back of your tank and house all the equipment there kinda...
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    Uh Centipedes?

    just buy ocean rock then, much cheaper
  12. C

    Wave Maker Timer

    And if so how the hell do you program it?
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    Death To Aptasias

    you sure
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    looks like flatworm to me compare
  15. C

    Death To Aptasias

    Or inject with lemon juice. Why did you remove the LR and let it dry out?
  16. C

    Mixing Salt

    Are you using a powerhead or airstone to mix?
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    Mixing Salt

    Are you using a powerhead or airstone to mix?
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    I'd thousands of them before actually dont know how I got rid of them, think they just dissappeared. At the time I think I was advised a mandarin would eat them, come to think of it I have a mandarin in my tank, wonder if thats why I bought him lol
  19. C

    Help With Sick/dying Fish

    I'd start by not buying anything else from that guy He should have the fish looking healthy in his own tanks before removing and passing on to her. Has she got any water test kits? Nitrate, Phosphate, Amonia, PH, etc, If not tell her to bring a sample to her lfs for testing
  20. C

    I've Stuck A Cam On The Side Of My Tank

    I get too You tried to access the address, which is currently unavailable. Please make sure that the Web address (URL) is correctly spelled and punctuated, then try reloading the page.
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    Ready To Give Up

    In ireland its college too :D
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    Ready To Give Up

    oh alright maybe you could pick one up free somewhere, it just happens to be in the box :D
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    Ready To Give Up

    have you no garden tap to hook the ro unit up to? there are alternatives Tap adapters so they are not permanently connected or somehting like this
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    Am I Missing Something

    should look like this when you look through when you look through with normal water on it with the flap closed, turn the screw to set at zero
  25. C

    What Is This Stuff Grrrrrr

    Cheers, just gonna keep up the water changes, as its looking better every day now and I dropped a sample into a shop/wholesalers today who are testing it for me That video looks like the flow is super high as there is a power head just above the video pointing directly at the front glass. from...
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    What Is This Stuff Grrrrrr

    click link click request ticket on top left click download
  27. C

    Filter Help

    Red sea skimmers are on sale everywhere in the UK Take my advise, dont bother with one Go for a Deltec and if you cant afford a Deltec, the V2's are very good to although i've heard a few stories of leaks when used externally( I dont have that problem as mines in the sump) borrowed from...
  28. C

    What Is This Stuff Grrrrrr

    I've been fighting this for about a year now and i'm barely killing it off at all Does anyone know what it is? It started about 1year after my tank was setup, I think due to lack of water movement and water changes I've added a rowaphos reactor and am changing about 8-10% of the water weekely...
  29. C

    White Tenticles?

    goto upload photo then copy and paste the url begining with [ img ] into your post
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    White Tenticles?

  31. C

    New Tank + Novice- Dangerous Mix!

    I'd personally use a skimmer, the TMC V2 skimmers are very resonable and work very well compared to others on the market I'd ditch the 2 filters and get 2 x Tunze nanostreams or Koralias(actually maybe run rowaphos or phosban in the external on second thoughts) I'd also definitly use LR I've...
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    Wanting To Start Marine Tank

    You may want to make some sort of sieve and put it on them as I had 2 of them in my tank before and 1 fish and 1 shrimp got sucked into them in the 6months I had them lol
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    Will Bad Fin Damage Repair Itself?

    never got around to getting any yet, but his tail is much better already, it was actually worse than the one in the picture above, I'd say he'll be back out swimming in the tank by next weekend at this rate yay!
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    Will Bad Fin Damage Repair Itself?

    might get some melafix tomorrow, hes still alive and happily eating loads of food without a bother on him, no sign of it healing up though.
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    Would These All Fit

    The bigger the tank the easier it is to maintain salt/nitrite/phosphate levels etc also the more water the more fish :D
  36. C

    Will Bad Fin Damage Repair Itself?

    Unfortunitly havent got a hospital tank setup at the moment, due to lack of spare heater and powerhead not to mention space in the apartment. Have him in a breather net now and he looks happy enough as he's tiny and the net is huge and is eating frozen foods ok, his tail isnt all red like in the...
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    Would These All Fit

    Could you not stretch to a 3' 120litre tank? Its only a small bit bigger but would give you alot more options?
  38. C

    Would These All Fit

    I'd a 80/90litre 2' Juwel tank with a couple of kilos of Fiji LR, 2 clowns, an orange spotted blenny and a cleaner shrimp, lots of turbo snails and a few hermits, tank was pretty tight, that was the max i'd advise, I had an external canister filter and a HOB skimmer was fairly hard to keep...
  39. C

    Will Bad Fin Damage Repair Itself?

    cheers I'll leave him in the net over night as he seems happy enough there for the minute and if he's still alive tomorrow i'll get a breather net for him to live in till recovered. and damel is getting bagged tomorrow mwahahahaha
  40. C

    Will Bad Fin Damage Repair Itself?

    Came hom to find my Bangai Cardinal looking like this the above is not my fish but mine has the exact same fin damage, I have him in a net at the moment as i dont have a quarintine tank, will this fin grow back or is he slowly going to die? he's only a baby BTW, he'd only be about an inch I...