What Is This Stuff Grrrrrr


Fish Fanatic
May 3, 2006
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I've been fighting this for about a year now and i'm barely killing it off at all
Does anyone know what it is?
It started about 1year after my tank was setup, I think due to lack of water movement and water changes

I've added a rowaphos reactor and am changing about 8-10% of the water weekely
My skimmer is functioning correctly
My lights are on for about 6 1/2 hours a day
there is laods of water movement 30x easily not including the return pump

VIDEO LINK <a href="http://mihd.net/w83nurp" target="_blank">http://mihd.net/w83nurp</a> 13.74MB

Thats it floating in the water after scrubbing some of the other rock, but you can see it in the water all the time it just looks dusty, blocks the koralia powerheads and they are scrubbed every day now.

The fish dont seem to mind it either.
I've added 2 extra powerheads today behind the rock where I cant scrub(ones a maxijet900 and the others a nanostream)

Nitrates read 0
Phosphates read 0

what else should I be testing for?

the only thing that i've found that looks similar is diatoms
Um you definitley should turn down the current in your tank if you can or take a powerhead out. It's too strong for your fish, it might make em stressed, you can tell me the way they are swimming, your tang probably won't have much trouble but your goby and your longnose hawkfish will like to be in areas that have low current so they can be still or for your hawkfish sit. For that type of algae I know for a fact that it will not decrease if you have more current. Try testing for your Salinity with a hydrometer if you don't, that can cause odd algae types to take havoc, I'm assuming you do if you have those fish unless you just got them. Test for your High range Ph really that's all I can think of, usually if you have high phosphorous then that's usually what causes algal blooms. but don't worry as this isn't a bloom, there isn't enough I have seen it in a lot of tanks, it's common I know that. But that's not a substantial amount, how nes is your tank? I just think you should turn your current down a tad, someone should agree if they see the vid, unless your tank is big, which it doesn't seem so from the current and the amount of liverock. Idk I don't think you have anything to worry about though.
The large amount of flow in the tank doesn't appear to be doing alot, so i would cut that down, which should please your fish.
its not diatoms or cyano. this looks like general detritus though its strange that the flow is not shifting it.

Have you got much clean up crew in there, i imagine a load of hermits would soon disperse it?
Agreed, that's a lot of flow. Looks like that's just common detritus. Your tank looks very clean otherwise, good job :)
Cheers, just gonna keep up the water changes, as its looking better every day now and I dropped a sample into a shop/wholesalers today who are testing it for me

That video looks like the flow is super high as there is a power head just above the video pointing directly at the front glass. from the overflow.
Its not usually facing there just had it off the magnet holder while I was cleaning the side glass

tanks about 400-500litres btw never actually measured it think its somehting like 48" x 22" x 18" + 120l tank/Sump probably holding about 80litres

old tank shot before new aquascape and new powerheads

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