Would These All Fit

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What works for one may not work for another!
Apr 8, 2008
Reaction score
Leeds, UK
I am wanting a Marine Tank, and i was thinking would all these fit into a 20G tank (nano reef)

2 Clownfish
3 Yellowtail Damselfish
3 Neon Blue Gobys
2 Blood Shrimp
1 Electric Blue Hermit Crab

also would a Clownfish Anemone be ok to have in it
I am wanting a Marine Tank, and i was thinking would all these fit into a 20G tank (nano reef)

2 Clownfish
3 Yellowtail Damselfish
3 Neon Blue Gobys
2 Blood Shrimp
1 Electric Blue Hermit Crab

also would a Clownfish Anemone be ok to have in it

Not unless you wanted a battle royale :crazy:. Sorry Andy, but the clowns and damselfish would beat the hell out of each other and that many neon gobies in a small space is anybody's guess as to what would happen there. Hate to burst your bubble, but that's prolly not gonna work :unsure:. And as enticing as an anemone seems, they are truly difficult animals to keep. Please please make sure you do your dilligence reading about them before you purchase one.
I am wanting a Marine Tank, and i was thinking would all these fit into a 20G tank (nano reef)

2 Clownfish
3 Yellowtail Damselfish
3 Neon Blue Gobys
2 Blood Shrimp
1 Electric Blue Hermit Crab

also would a Clownfish Anemone be ok to have in it
aye ive got to agree with ski, i had 2 clowns and 2 damsels and it was hellish! i had 2 trade my damsels in to calm my tank down, gobys to, great fish, great charactors but they hate there own kind, i'd maybe try a royal gramma or 1-2 chromis.
i agree with ski here (and pretty much everywhere else)
I am wanting a Marine Tank, and i was thinking would all these fit into a 20G tank (nano reef)

2 Clownfish
3 Yellowtail Damselfish
3 Neon Blue Gobys
2 Blood Shrimp
1 Electric Blue Hermit Crab

also would a Clownfish Anemone be ok to have in it

I'd a 80/90litre 2' Juwel tank with a couple of kilos of Fiji LR, 2 clowns, an orange spotted blenny and a cleaner shrimp, lots of turbo snails and a few hermits, tank was pretty tight, that was the max i'd advise, I had an external canister filter and a HOB skimmer
was fairly hard to keep salinity correct
what would you recommend then, the clownfish are a must
The bigger the tank the easier it is to maintain salt/nitrite/phosphate levels etc
also the more water the more fish :D
And with the extra length you can get into some fish that really like to swim some more like wrasses.
so what would you recommend then
I have decided to go for

2 Clownfish
4 Chalk Basslets
1 Neon Blue Gobys
2 Blood Shrimp
1 Electric Blue Hermit Crab
I have decided to go for

2 Clownfish
4 Chalk Basslets
1 Neon Blue Gobys
2 Blood Shrimp
1 Electric Blue Hermit Crab

That stocking is just fine.

If you take over half the fish...

Forget the basslets and the clowns / goby will do fine.

Oh, and while we're talking about stocking, a redtail black shark is entirely unsuitable for a 72ltr tank
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