Uh Centipedes?

I think it would kill anything in the rock....

Ox :good:

ok, well just plan for a longer cure time on the rock, dont get jumpy and put something in after two weeks.... I wouldnt be sure how the bacteria will react to the coldwater dip... like I said, it will prob kill everything....

Ox :good:

Incorrect, wouldnt be able to get deep in the pores fast enough and some bacteria and pods and algae pores and stuff will stay, enough to leave it as live rock. Bleach SOAK (not dip) and constant rinsing (rock will be a very ugly white afterwards), or a COMPLETE dry out and then boil are the two most commonly found methods. Boiling can cause the rock to explode causing serious damage.

hmmm explosions :)...but i decided im just gonna buy my rock from a trusted fish store and put it in if i see a euncid worm ill just find which rock hes in and that rock will meet some type of treatment....by the way if anyone else reads this....can you have a fire shrimp and a cleaner shrimp in the same tank i read fire shrimp are NOT coral safe but i read they are and i see them in coral tanks all the time just wondering cuz i also heard a rumor that they munch on bristle worms if the population gets too high.
Don't get so paranoid over worms :D
I've 2 fire shrimp, 2 cleaner shrimp and 1(possibly 2 though)peppermint shrimp in my tank for over a year and a half without any issues. Although my Hawk fish is tempted to eat them and propably will one of these days LOL
Don't get so paranoid over worms :D
I've 2 fire shrimp, 2 cleaner shrimp and 1(possibly 2 though)peppermint shrimp in my tank for over a year and a half without any issues. Although my Hawk fish is tempted to eat them and propably will one of these days LOL

yeah cuz i like fire shrimp they look really cool but i hear they are reef safe and not so i dont know if i should get one or just get another cleaner shrimp
Don't get so paranoid over worms :D
I've 2 fire shrimp, 2 cleaner shrimp and 1(possibly 2 though)peppermint shrimp in my tank for over a year and a half without any issues. Although my Hawk fish is tempted to eat them and propably will one of these days LOL

yeah cuz i like fire shrimp they look really cool but i hear they are reef safe and not so i dont know if i should get one or just get another cleaner shrimp
Mine are 100% reef safe, I hear they are better in pairs as they come out more often, alone you might not see them much
Just seen 2 worms in my sump while cleaning out my skimmer, want me to catch them and post them over to ya?
Don't get so paranoid over worms :D
I've 2 fire shrimp, 2 cleaner shrimp and 1(possibly 2 though)peppermint shrimp in my tank for over a year and a half without any issues. Although my Hawk fish is tempted to eat them and propably will one of these days LOL

yeah cuz i like fire shrimp they look really cool but i hear they are reef safe and not so i dont know if i should get one or just get another cleaner shrimp
Mine are 100% reef safe, I hear they are better in pairs as they come out more often, alone you might not see them much
Just seen 2 worms in my sump while cleaning out my skimmer, want me to catch them and post them over to ya?

yeah...how the hell did they get in your sump?
Don't get so paranoid over worms :D
I've 2 fire shrimp, 2 cleaner shrimp and 1(possibly 2 though)peppermint shrimp in my tank for over a year and a half without any issues. Although my Hawk fish is tempted to eat them and propably will one of these days LOL

yeah cuz i like fire shrimp they look really cool but i hear they are reef safe and not so i dont know if i should get one or just get another cleaner shrimp
Mine are 100% reef safe, I hear they are better in pairs as they come out more often, alone you might not see them much
Just seen 2 worms in my sump while cleaning out my skimmer, want me to catch them and post them over to ya?

yeah...how the hell did they get in your sump?

Through reproduction probably.

BTW you have much bigger and badder hitchhikers to worry about, worms should be one of your last concerns. Aiptasia (arguably the most common) colonial hydroids, majano anemones, flesh eating isopods, cyano bacteria, all sorts of nasty algaes, mantis shrimp, the list goes on.
Don't get so paranoid over worms :D
I've 2 fire shrimp, 2 cleaner shrimp and 1(possibly 2 though)peppermint shrimp in my tank for over a year and a half without any issues. Although my Hawk fish is tempted to eat them and propably will one of these days LOL

yeah cuz i like fire shrimp they look really cool but i hear they are reef safe and not so i dont know if i should get one or just get another cleaner shrimp
Mine are 100% reef safe, I hear they are better in pairs as they come out more often, alone you might not see them much
Just seen 2 worms in my sump while cleaning out my skimmer, want me to catch them and post them over to ya?

yeah...how the hell did they get in your sump?

Through reproduction probably.

BTW you have much bigger and badder hitchhikers to worry about, worms should be one of your last concerns. Aiptasia (arguably the most common) colonial hydroids, majano anemones, flesh eating isopods, cyano bacteria, all sorts of nasty algaes, mantis shrimp, the list goes on.

mmm flesh eating isopods sounds fun :)

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