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    Is There A Safe Way To Steralise Fish?

    i heard that submersing your fish in a bleach and vinegar mixture can help sterilise them
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    2 females 1 male. The females seem alot more confident, the male stays at the back, and sometimes just stays completely still with his tail facing towards the floor, and face towards the surface
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    I have noticed that when i put new fish in my tank they seem to shake their fins around alot, like they're shivering. My tetras did it at first but have now stopped now they've settled in, but my new guppies are doing it now. Is this just stress of a new house?
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    Feeding New Tetras

    OK, i'll try and get some bloodworm at the weekend. THe problem with the flakes is that they dont even seem to ever look at the surface, so maybe they don't notice them. I got one of them to eat abit by sinking one in front of his face lol. I'm getting pretty worried though because now it's...
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    Feeding New Tetras

    are bbs brine shrimps?
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    Feeding New Tetras

    I've had 3 tetras (gettning 3 more on saturday) in my tank for 2 days now, and they dont seem to want to eat flake food, will they have been feed on brine shrimp in the shop? If so cna i make them eat flakes
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    Tetras Losing Red

    Hi I dont think its ntd because they were fine in the shop tank, and i've never had fish in mine before. I climatized them for 10 minutes with the bag closed, then 10 with the bag open. They look kind of like they are shivering THanks for the help I'll tell u how progress is tomorrow
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    Tetras Losing Red

    Ok, thanks, should I do a 20% water change or anything tonight? Or do you think they are just shy and stressed from the move, and because they aren't with a full shoal, so dont feel safe?
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    Tetras Losing Red

    I put my neon tetras in a couple of hours ago, ammonia and nitrate are both at 0. Since being put it in their redness has almost disappearaed and the blue is fading. What is this! Help! :( It's only 3 of them by the way, the only fish in the tank, i have fishlessly cycled it. I am getting...
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    Stocking My 15g

    Okay I've got 3 tetras today, and assuming they do fine will go back to my lfs next weekend for another 3. Watching them now they are just beginning to stop being so shy! WOuld be be alright to have a kuhli loach in my community tank? (58l)
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    Just Started

    Hi! I know some people do cycle with danios, but for the fishes sake please do a fishless cycle! The ammonia levels can harm their gills and make life painful
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    Stocking My 15g

    hehe a dwarf puffer tank looks tempting now too! such hard decisions lol
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    Tank Arranging Help

    Thanks for replies, does anybody know a thread with a good method for building a diy c02 unit?
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    Stocking My 15g

    So does anybody think that it would be possible to have a combo of guppies, tetras, hatchetfish, dainty/pygmy cory, and oto ?
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    Tank Arranging Help

    :( I can't replace my gravel I have not enough money grrrrrrrrrr.... I took your advice and here's my tank now, hopefully the java moss will spread across the slate Hopefully getting fish in it finally this weekend too Thanks for help, any more tips on it well appreciated
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    Stocking My 15g

    Since the replies I've looked into it more, and do really like the look of the otos and both pymy and dainty otos, although i don't think they are as striking as albino corys. Another fish i like the look of is Marbled Hatchetfish, but i haven't seen them in my lfs, I think they would add more...
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    Stocking My 15g

    Finally tank (15g, 58l) is fishlessly cycled, time to get some fish in there. I'm thinking Male Dwarf Gourami, 1 Male Guppy 3 Female Guppy, 5 Neon Tetra and a Pleco type of thing that won't outgrow the tank Does this sound okay? If so, what order should i get them in? Thanks can't wait for...
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    Tank Arranging Help

    Hihi thanks for the quick replies In answer to questions, the white strands on the bogwood and the pebbles is thread holding down my java moss which has only just gone in, so I will only have that in there for afew weeks. The tank is 58 litres, and is fishlessly cycling at the moment so has no...
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    Tank Arranging Help

    Tank has quite afew plants, some real some plastic, bogwood, and pebbles But to me, the tank just looks like a mess, so i was wondering if anybody could offer some help and advice as to how i should arrange it. The bogwood and afew pebbles have thread on holding ddown new java moss, and the...
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    Time For Fish ?

    I've topped tanks ammonia back up to 5ppm to see what it's done by tomorrow
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    Time For Fish ?

    In answer to questions, yep I did do have some gravel in the tank from an already cycled tank. The reason why the nitrate reading might be so low is probably because i have lossed my ammonia colour chart from the Aquarium Pharmaceuticals freshwater master test kit. So i had to try and compare...
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    Time For Fish ?

    Hi, my tank's been cycling with ammonia for the last 8 days, and now my levels look good: Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 3 Now is all I need to do carry out a 50% water change, and then i can add fish? Thanks
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    Cycling Day 1

    Cycle Day 5 Ammonia: 1ppm Nitrite: 0ppm Nitrate: 10ppm Finally! Some promising results, now do I just wait for my ammonia to drop to 0, carry out an 75% water change, then i can have fish?
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    Cycling Day 1

    I have the Freshwater Master Test Kit It's on there
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    Lost Post

    They fed them magnets in food
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    Cycling Day 1

    That's why I'm asking here because my results are weird Thanks anyhu
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    Cycling Day 1

    Cycle Day 4 Ammonia: 0.3ppm Nitrite: 0.5ppm Nitrate: 10ppm Now do i wait for my nitrites to drop to 0, then i can add fish? thanks
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    Cycling Day 1

    Cycle Day 3 Ammonia: 0ppm Nitrite: 5ppm Nitrate: 10ppm Will top up ammonia back to 5ppm still worried about my nitrates/ites, anybody know what could be happening?
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    Cycling Day 1

    just retested nitrite and ammonia before i go to bed nitrite: 6.0ppm ammonia: 2.5-3ppm at least ammonia's showing signs of improvement should i do some water changes to see if it will affect my high nitrites?
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    Cycling Day 1

    Tap Water Readings: Ammonia: 0.25ppm Nitrite: 0ppm Nitrate: 15ppm Please help sorry :/
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    Cycling Day 1

    Cycle Day 2[font=Arial Black] Ammonia: 5-6ppm Nitrite: 5.0ppm Nitrate: 5.0ppm :/
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    Cycling Day 1

    I took a sample to the lfs last weekend before i knew about cycling, the tank had been set up for two weeks with nothing in it. They found the very high readings so i didn't take the fish. I don't need to replace all my water do it :S
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    Cycling Day 1

    (in a message) Thanks for reply, i am using liquid test kits, and have just tested me untreated tap water and got a much lower reading of nitrates, about 2 ppm anybody know what's going on?? Thanks
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    Cycling Day 1

    nitrate about 80ppm, nitrite about 3ppm these seem abit high is it normal? EDIT: doing cycle fishlessly with ammonia
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    Water Changes

    do i just put dechlorinated unheated water into the tank, or does the new water need heating somehow?
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    New To Tropical Fishkeeping

    Hi, thanks for all the replies everyone they helped alot I've looked into cycling and have bought some ammonia ready to start fishless cycling when i get my test kits. I think i will only get 3 more live plants after reading your advice In terms of fish i have more of an idea of what i would...
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    Filter Blowing

    Is it okay if my filter blows out onto my straight vallis? It blows around thanx
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    Compatability Etc, First Tank Pic

    is this a good guide to follow for fishless cycling, or does anybody know of a better one? now all i need to get is ammonia, nitrite and nitrate testing kits, hopefully at the weekend! Would it be alright to add a little ammonia before i get the testers, if so is about a teaspoon okay? Thanks...
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    Compatability Etc, First Tank Pic

    ok going to get ammonia now