Cycling Day 1


New Member
Apr 18, 2006
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nitrate about 80ppm, nitrite about 3ppm

these seem abit high is it normal?

EDIT: doing cycle fishlessly with ammonia
(in a message)

i was told to get liquid tests as the strips sometimes look as though they have changed colour when they had'nt!!!!! - especially my nitrItes reading

not sure if this is the case here with ur nitrItes??????

as for nitrAtes have you tested your tap water untreated - sumtimes there are nitrAtes in tap water

davep i think it was in beginner questions had problem with his tap water and got something to lower it - i'm lucky my tap water is brill so am lucky just having to do the thing of WAITING (i hate waiting - hehehe)

otherwise still cycling here - so cant really say more!!


Thanks for reply, i am using liquid test kits, and have just tested me untreated tap water and got a much lower reading of nitrates, about 2 ppm

anybody know what's going on??

Does sound a bit fishy (excuse the pun) that you have a nitrite and nitrate reading so fast, especially that high! Have you added any maturation fluid or perhaps a live colony of bacteria?
Does sound a bit fishy (excuse the pun) that you have a nitrite and nitrate reading so fast, especially that high! Have you added any maturation fluid or perhaps a live colony of bacteria?

I took a sample to the lfs last weekend before i knew about cycling, the tank had been set up for two weeks with nothing in it. They found the very high readings so i didn't take the fish.

I don't need to replace all my water do it :S
just retested nitrite and ammonia before i go to bed

nitrite: 6.0ppm

ammonia: 2.5-3ppm

at least ammonia's showing signs of improvement

should i do some water changes to see if it will affect my high nitrites?
Cycle Day 3

Ammonia: 0ppm

Nitrite: 5ppm

Nitrate: 10ppm

Will top up ammonia back to 5ppm

still worried about my nitrates/ites, anybody know what could be happening?
Cycle Day 4

Ammonia: 0.3ppm

Nitrite: 0.5ppm

Nitrate: 10ppm

Now do i wait for my nitrites to drop to 0, then i can add fish?

you seeem to be having odd results you nitrite shouldnt show till a good few days into cycling then that will peak the eventually it will fall to 0 you want everything bar nitrate to be 0
you seeem to be having odd results you nitrite shouldnt show till a good few days into cycling then that will peak the eventually it will fall to 0 you want everything bar nitrate to be 0

That's why I'm asking here because my results are weird

Thanks anyhu
very odd what have you put into your tank anything from other tanks? or maybe some chemicals?

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