Feeding New Tetras


New Member
Apr 18, 2006
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I've had 3 tetras (gettning 3 more on saturday) in my tank for 2 days now, and they dont seem to want to eat flake food, will they have been feed on brine shrimp in the shop? If so cna i make them eat flakes
Try hatching bbs for them for about the first week and then try moving them over to flake by mixing the two foods and then reducing the amount of bbs as you increase the amount of flake.
i had the same problem with my black neons

they allmost starved


i tryed many foods and its takes time untill they get used to eating flakes

try what delectableteatray said
They will not starve themselves to death.. they will eat it eventually.. just be patient..

They COULD be sick though.. some fish don't eat when they are sick. I've never had a tetra not eat for more then 1 day.
Try crushing the flake into a powder....my neons won't take pieces of flake and ended up munching on snail eggs until I tried them with some that I had ground up for platy fry...but they will take brine shrimp and occasionally frozen bloodworm so go figure. Wouldn't touch micro pellets recommeneded for small tetras!
Yes, BBS are baby brine shrimp. They should be fed w/i 24 hours of hatching after which they have little nutritional value. Live foods move and this is what attracts the fish.
give them some live bloodworm about 99p at ur lfs, bloodworm riggling about will surely tempt them, thats wat my mum had to do with her black widow tetras when they didnt eat first! :D
give them some live bloodworm about 99p at ur lfs, bloodworm riggling about will surely tempt them, thats wat my mum had to do with her black widow tetras when they didnt eat first! :D

OK, i'll try and get some bloodworm at the weekend. THe problem with the flakes is that they dont even seem to ever look at the surface, so maybe they don't notice them. I got one of them to eat abit by sinking one in front of his face lol.

I'm getting pretty worried though because now it's been 3 days :/

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