Tetras Losing Red


New Member
Apr 18, 2006
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I put my neon tetras in a couple of hours ago, ammonia and nitrate are both at 0. Since being put it in their redness has almost disappearaed and the blue is fading. What is this!
Help! :(

I put my neon tetras in a couple of hours ago, ammonia and nitrate are both at 0. Since being put it in their redness has almost disappearaed and the blue is fading. What is this!
Help! :(

It's only 3 of them by the way, the only fish in the tank, i have fishlessly cycled it.

I am getting another three at the weekend

Nitrates are at 40
I am not the best person to give advice here, trust me, but I do know that my fish when added often lose colour for several hours to a couple of days as they have beem stressed. Once used to surroundings and happy they should colour up again.
I am not the best person to give advice here, trust me, but I do know that my fish when added often lose colour for several hours to a couple of days as they have beem stressed. Once used to surroundings and happy they should colour up again.

Ok, thanks, should I do a 20% water change or anything tonight?
Or do you think they are just shy and stressed from the move, and because they aren't with a full shoal, so dont feel safe?
Might just be stressed so keep a close eye on them, turn aeration up if you can, look at the ntd site not to panic, just tell you what to look out for, good luck.

Just to check what was the ph of the store to your tank, and how long did you climatise them for.
Might just be stressed so keep a close eye on them, turn aeration up if you can, look at the ntd site not to panic, just tell you what to look out for, good luck.

Just to check what was the ph of the store to your tank, and how long did you climatise them for.

Hi I dont think its ntd because they were fine in the shop tank, and i've never had fish in mine before. I climatized them for 10 minutes with the bag closed, then 10 with the bag open.

They look kind of like they are shivering

THanks for the help I'll tell u how progress is tomorrow
What your temp, I would watch out for whitespot.
Did you cycle the tank, if not neons are not a cycling fish, they usually need mature tanks of six months.

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