Water Changes


New Member
Apr 18, 2006
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do i just put dechlorinated unheated water into the tank, or does the new water need heating somehow?
just use half hot and and half cold water
and take the temp either with fingers or themometer

dats what i do
If it's a small water change, you can use unheated water if you add it slowly. Heating it depends on your plumbing setup, different countries have different ways of heating & storing hot water. Some countries, mainly UK I believe, have a storage tank above the living area that uses gravity to feed the hot water. This is generally a poor choice to use in an aquarium.

Most areas of the US have a hot water heater that is kept under pressure from the main supply. This is generally safe to use, it's a good idea to let it run for a bit to get fresh water through the lines.

Everyone's water supply is different, and every building has differences in plumbing.
In my experience its generally best to get the water as close to the current temp of the water in the tank as adding water thats a lot different in temp can cause the fish shock and many bring on illnesses like septicemia, particually with small fish who are more sensitive to tank temp and temp fluctuations.

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