Search results

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    Home For A Betta?

    let me know what u go 4! i'm thinkin of gettin som crowntails, halfmoons or giant plakats! :hyper: :drool: :hyper: :drool: :hyper: :drool: :hyper: :drool: plakat crowntail plakat over halfmoon Real nice female
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    Home For A Betta?

    fluval 1 is a power filter isn't it? :blink: spot the difference :P Fluval 1 - Sponge filter
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    Home For A Betta?

    Have you thought about sponge filters they'd b alright i think, back me up if i'm right, correct me if i'm wrong guys!
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    Multiple Aquarium Stand!

    These are the ones i'm gonna go for. For any1 else interested check out These Links. I can't remember where i found them but thanks who ever supplied them. :good:
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    New Tank Set Up For Dwarf Frogs

    Check this out! 5 MINUTE FILTER
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    Where To Buy Betta In The Uk?

    ok, so i've had my new VT betta for about a week and already i have the bettta bug! :fish: i need more :crazy: i keep looking on aquabid but all i see is ads from singapore, thailand and america! where can i get unusual betta in the uk? maybe HMs or CTs? i'm looking for maybe another two...
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    right, i have a 3 foot tank (30 U.S gallons) which i am currently building a custom hood, it will incorporate 4x 25watt 30" triton/triplus (3.33wpg) and was wondering if i would need a co2 injection kit to keep my various plants healthy?
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    Multiple Aquarium Stand!

    either-or as i said any help is much appreciated. ideally tho i want enough room to put 2 10 gallons next to each other and again 2 on top in a sort of 2x2 arrangement. ¦¦
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    Acceptable betta tankmates

    what about hatchets? can they live with betta?
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    Multiple Aquarium Stand!

    i want to build a multiple tank stand. can any 1 provide me with a couple of links on how to do this please??? any help much appreciated!
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    Heres Azuls New Tank Set Up

    when i first got into fish my lfs told me i'd be alright to put a fighter in with my swordtails (close enough to platys) they attacked him which i thought would stop once they got use to him but no i left him for about an hour but then my danios started having a go at him aswell i seperated the...
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    Fixing Cracked Glass

    i have a 2 foot tank which i'm gonna use and it has a big crack across the bottom of it! i'm gonna cut the whole payne out, just slide a stanley knife along the silicone seal, and silicone on a piece of plexi glass, the same stuff people use for making dividers it only costs pence :D and is a...
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    New Cories!

    My cories sorry about the picture quality
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    How Big Can Corys Actually Get And How Fast?

    No lie, i'm sure its a cory! its huge tho, its in a 5 foot tank with 4 danios and thats it. it hides in a ornament boat all day and only comes out to eat. i think it is a generic freak like sometimes u get giant people maybe u get giant corys lol, its either that or he has nuclear water :alien: lol!
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    Filter Shredded Betta!

    hi, i have a 3 foot tank with a fluval 3 plus filter in it. i went and bought a betta today and after 5 mins of being in my tank his anal fin was ripped and torn in several different places! i know that bettas don't like a lot of current so i put a piece of cola bottle around the outlet on my...
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    New Cories!

    I just got my new cories 3 similis, 2 Bondi & 1 copei i think (sold as bondi). Are bondi & copei dwarf species or are mine just really young?
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    How Big Can Corys Actually Get And How Fast?

    1 of my m8s pepperd cory is about 8 inches long by about 5 inches high i think hes had it for about 2 years. it is massive :look:
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    White Stripe Cory?

    i think i found a previous topic relating to the same fish. Gold Shoulders? inchworm with the answer!
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    White Stripe Cory?

    i wet to my lfs at lunch time and saw a tank full of (white stripe corys) aenues i then searched catfish world and found nothing??? Is this a true species? any1 got any details on them?
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    Acceptable betta tankmates

    I lost my first betta to swordtails and danios nipping him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm hoping my two synodontis nigriventris will get on ok with 1!
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    Betta, Upside Down Cats & ?

    My new Three footer is empty and in desperate need of filling can any 1 suggest any good plants or other tank mates for my 2 synodontis nigriventris, which is all i have in there at the moment so plenty of room for some expansion :hey: . i really want some corys, i have also been suggested...
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    Hhmmmmmmmmm.any Ideas.

    i thought rubbernose and bulldogs were the same thing -_- ???
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    Upside-down Catfish

    I just moved my two synodontis nigriventris into a seperate tank away from the evil kribs :devil: they seem much happier now. While i have the light off they keep darting from one side of the tank to the other together. i've never seen so much of them! :D
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    Cory Only(ish) Tank

    ooh just thought i better put my 2 upside down cats in there aswell, seeing as my kribs have taken a disliking to them. :grr:
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    Cory Only(ish) Tank

    as u can see from my sig below, i have a new empty tank. I have been sifting through this forum for a couple of days and have fallen in love with corys. i also wanna put a betta in there, will these fish be alright together? i'm gonna use a large piece of bogwood as a 'cave' also i'm gonna be...
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    Upside-down Catfish

    Mine hide under the filter, until its feeding time. Mine are nice and peaceful, i have two in with all sorts of small fish and they don't touch them. If anything they get bullied a little by my Kribs! :grr:
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    Upside Down Catfish

    My two hide under my underwater filter all day long until i feed them. They are straight out and eat from the top until the food sinks then they are on the bottom to finish it all off. :fun:
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    Bidding For Fish!

    Just wondering if any1 has ever bought fish from an auction site e.g aquabid or ebay? I have seen some corydoras on ebay i am interested in buying but obviously i don't want them to die in transport or stress. This particular lot look like they are from a reputable dealer. Can any1 foresee any...