Upside-down Catfish


Fish Crazy
Nov 5, 2004
Reaction score
Kent UK
Hi everyone,
I wanted to get an upside down catfish to put in a large community tank (75gal/350litre) with some angefish, rainbows, corys and bristlenoses etc. Does this sound ok? I was hoping to get 2 as I understand that they don't get too big. Is it true that you don't see much of them? And finally, is a diet of frozen food, flakeand pellet ok?
I saw mine all the time and actually they do get quite big given half the chance. I had one at about 5" long and I saw a monster one in the petshop recently!! :blink:

They do like to be in groups and they are quite shy. Mine took a long time to come out but always would come for food. You certainly have room for them. I'd suggest 3 so they'll be more active and mine used to like to sit upside down under wood. Bridge shaped bits would be good so you can see them while the chill out oblivious!


If you get the true upside down catfish synodontis nigriventris they only grow 4 inches long. The problem is a lot of synos look the same when young and swim upside down, some get huge. The true upside down catfish should be kept in groups. Frozen food, flake and pellets is fine to feed them.

Thanks guys, I went and got 2 today. I haven't seen them yet, but fingers crossed!
Yep, Synodontis nigriventris are very shy and nocturnal and only reach up to 4".
You have a better chance of spotting them when kept in groups - so if you have the space, you might want to add a couple more :)
Hi everyone,
I wanted to get an upside down catfish to put in a large community tank (75gal/350litre) with some angefish, rainbows, corys and bristlenoses etc. Does this sound ok? I was hoping to get 2 as I understand that they don't get too big. Is it true that you don't see much of them? And finally, is a diet of frozen food, flakeand pellet ok?
:hey: I saw 2 in a tank at a local garden centre a couple of weeks ago and they were quite large :hyper: lovely ----but large :D
Mine hide under the filter, until its feeding time. Mine are nice and peaceful, i have two in with all sorts of small fish and they don't touch them. If anything they get bullied a little by my Kribs! :grr:
I just moved my two synodontis nigriventris into a seperate tank away from the evil kribs :devil: they seem much happier now. While i have the light off they keep darting from one side of the tank to the other together. i've never seen so much of them! :D
Mine hide in the ornaments or by the heater holder. Now and then one hangs out under the bogwood! :D



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