Multiple Aquarium Stand!

What are the tank sizes?
Arrangement? - eg next to each other or one above the other?
location (eg does it have to be pretty?)
either-or as i said any help is much appreciated. ideally tho i want enough room to put 2 10 gallons next to each other and again 2 on top in a sort of 2x2 arrangement. ¦¦
For the shed, I've used 22mm chipboard with 3x2 timbers to support.

board cut to size and then 3x2 roud the edge - the joints are then supported by 3x2 uprights

however its way to over the top for 4 10 gals :)

So you basically want to setup 4 tanks, two side by side and two directly underneath?If so, I'd reccomend joining the tanks above and below each other, but not the ones next to each other. What you're essentially creating is two sumps, a feat best accomplised with the top two tanks deither drilled for overflows, or employing overflow boxes hung on the back to control the downward flow of water. Then in the lower two tanks you have 2 pumps to return water up to the top tanks. Check out Melev's Reef for a host of knowledge regarding the design and phsyics of a sump. That site is a little specialized for making saltwater sumps, but the same principles can be used when designing a freshwater setup.
I have a room full of homemade racks. Here's a triple 10;


Here's a double 29, with room underneath for buckets;


If you want you can take that design, modify it to whatever specs you need, and do it up. it's nothing fancy, but it gets the job done.

If you need a hand let me know, I build stuff like that all the time. You may want to go with two rows of 3 tanks, with the short end facing out. That would give you a 30"x20" footprint, or thereabout. I've seen other breeders put 5 or 6 tanks in a row that way.
In Australia you can get these book shelf type things that are made to hold 350kg per shelf and are 90cm wide and about 40cm deep. They can be set up either as two short units (90cm high) or one tall unit (180cm tall). they are made using galvanised iron framing and wooden shelves. They are made for work shops etc so they are really strong. They either slot together or just have a couple of bolts depending on the brand. I guess you should be able to find something similar where you are. They cost about AU$110 (40-50 pounds) I think, from the hardware store. Sorry but I can't find a link to the exact product.It looks similar to this

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