Home For A Betta?


The BE-Team Fighting For Betta Extermination
Apr 12, 2006
Reaction score
Gloucester, England
would 5 uk gallons able to be split in two?

i'm new to keeping betta's outside a community tank :)

and i really want to make my little spare tank into a home for some betta's

they look so good :wub:

also is there anything i could put in the tank with them?

i hear they get bored is this true?

cheers for your help in advance :good:
would 5 uk gallons able to be split in two?

i'm new to keeping betta's outside a community tank :)

and i really want to make my little spare tank into a home for some betta's

they look so good :wub:

also is there anything i could put in the tank with them?

i hear they get bored is this true?

cheers for your help in advance :good:

For me I keep my betta in 1/n gallons (1lit), 5 uk gallons for 2 bettas should be fine.
do not put any fish like tank mate for bettas should keep one only.You can put some water plane in their tank.
sory about my english,I'm thai

cheers i just needed someone to back up my thoughts :)

im planning on an UGF will that be ok?

could i possibly get some shrimp/snails for the tank?

what do you feed your betta? i was going to feed mine flake, granuals and frozen bloodworm. i've heard pea's are good for them do you back that up?

cheers, and your english is quite good, i still find speeling some words difficult lol :good:
I'm sory What UGF ?
-U can put snails but shrimp ur betta will spell magic and ur shrimp will disappear. :D
-i feed my bettas with pellet food and BS once a month.(only BS ,pellet everyday no time to buy BS)


under gravel filter. sorry should of put that in brackets after it for you.

i think i'll skip the shrimp then lol.

i think i would put some mayalsian livebearing snails in there. they do good jobs in my other tanks i find.
Under Gravel Filters usually have way too much current for a betta to be happy with. If you are going to use a filter, use one that has an adjustable flow on it and put it on it's lowest setting. I don't know what is available in your area, but in the U.S. there is one by Whisper that is for a 2 1/2 to 5 gallon tank that has a current control on it to keep the flow down to just a trickle. I'm sure there are others out there, but the main thing is to keep current at a minimum. Bettas have too many long fins to swim well in a strong current.

As far as food goes, most bettas don't eat flakes well. They prefer pellets, bloodworms, daphina, and brine shrimp, just to name a few things that are pretty easy to find. They also do well with a pea about once a week. The pea needs to be of the frozen variety and blanched in dechlorinated water in the microwave for a minute or so. Then you allow the pea to cool, shell it and mash up the insides to feed the betta. About 1/4 of the pea is a good meal for one betta. It is also recommended that bettas be fasted for one day a week. I do this and never have constipation problems with mine.

Snails are extrememly messy and give off a lot of waste, but they will clean some algae. Depends on if the mess is worth it to you to keep cleaned up. The ghost shrimp are my favorites. They are cheap here, about 5/$1, and they will eat leftover food, algae, and even strain through fish poo for the nutrients there. Yes, some bettas do attack and eat them, but I don't have a problem with that. If the betta eats them, it's a source of live food for him, and it gives him exercise to chase it around. If he doesn't eat it right away, it stands a good chance of growing big enough that he won't bother it later. I enjoy watching the ghosties, sometimes as much as I do the bettas.

i used to have a few ghost shrimp in my community tank. it was a bit to manic though so they were constantly hiding so never really saw them. i've seen them in other peoples tanks though. where i am you can't get 1 shrimp for £1.it's unfair how the prices in u.s are so much lower :( there about £1.50 each i think in the lfs's near me. so i duno if i want to watch them get eaten that often.

so would you say no filter would be better?

the species of snail i have (malaysian livebearing) eats fish poo often in my tank and they eat algea and well virtually anything. plus their only small biggest around 1.5cm shell length (cone shaped shell).

cheers for your advise on the food side of things :good:
You can limit the current but to be honest buy a fluval 1 and cover up the current. They do a better job and cost around the same.
Without a filter this means frequent water changes which is hassle if you have alot of tanks. (I have 2 bowls and have to do 100% water change everyday). Not only is it time consuming but rolls up a bit of a price for all of the dechlorinator.

The divided should be fine- try and get a divider which is not too clear (Try and get it blury) as the fish may result in torn fins if flaring all the time.

As for the food. Try and get hold of some TetraBetta© it helps bring out some color and is easy to use. However don't use this constantly as it can often get the betta rather bloated. Try some BS - Peas daphnia- Frozen bloodworm- live bloodworm. May be a good investment to get a brine shrimp hatchery.
All the best

James :good:
cheers james for that. :)

would directing the current at the side of the tank help with disrupting it.

would i need a filter for each side???

i've never split a tank before so sorry for the questions which may sound easy to answer to you.

cheers for peoples help :good:
I shouldn't think you would need to both sides.
On the filter put an old pair of tights over it (Not saying you wear tights!) Or perhaps a sock should help the current.

lol i'm glad your added that last bit '(not saying you wear tights)'.

i don't know if there are any tights in my house at all.

i'd look weird i think going and buying tights. some sort of weirdo they'd think. so i'll get my mum to lol.

cheers for your help :good:
not really :) .

around where i live they don't have that many choices though they just basic mainly. :( i don't mean wild i mean like 1 colour and normal tails.

i would like a white one and either a black or red or blue one

both tails to be as large as possible if i could get that i'd be really happy :D

but it's unlikely that my lfs's will have them so i'm going to have to search around alot i think :/

do you have any suggestions on what sorts and where i could get them?

james what are your experiences with betta's and other small things in their tanks like snails and shrimp.

i really wana add snails or shrimp. snails are cheap round by me whereas shrimp are realtivly expensive in comparison, i would prefer shrimp but ghost shrimp may get eaten and i can't think of any small shrimp that could survive.... got any ideas you'd share?

cheers :good:

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