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  1. S

    Is My Axolotl Ill?

    please any ideas anyone, my lfs havent got a clue about these creatures
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    Is My Axolotl Ill?

    Hi, My axolotl has two rather large lumps either side of his hind legs. At first i thought it might be because he is male but i have never seen them this big. I have looked at loads of photos of axolotls. Please advise. Also he has been floating along the top for over a week now like he has...
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    Changes To Axolotl Over Weekend - Help

    any ideas about the liver oil floating on the top and turning white? This is really annoying and can stink too.
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    Another Daft Q

    Yes its ok to scrape off the tank, be careful not to scratch it though. I use an old credit card, glass magnets work but they have given my tank a few tiny scratches. Dont ever take the gravel out of the tank, it holds all the good bacteria so it should never be exposed to other water such as...
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    Whats Happening?

    He looks rather skinny :sick: Sorry i dont know about the dead fish....but The stuff on your tank is brown algae by the looks of it. It doesnt change the colour of the water. Just scrape it off with an old credit card. Not much else you can do. I've tried moving mine out of the light and giving...
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    Help Id A Fish Type Thing Found In My Lfs

    i have one, they are NOT tropical and WILL die in tropical waters.
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    Changes To Axolotl Over Weekend - Help

    I went away for the weekend i have come back this morning and my axolotl has changed. I am sure he didnt have nostrils before and now he has them. Also i was wondering if anyone can think of anything thats better then liver to feed as the oil from the liver really fouls the water up. It floats...
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    Mollie In Distress

    i doubt a male mollie could bite through mollie fry, they dont have teeth. However it could be stuck, this is a common problem in balloon mollies i hear, if thats what you have. If you have a good local fish store i would bag it up and take it in for a diagnosis, if something needs tweezing they...
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    Minimum Temp For Corys?

    I wanted to know this because i was just in Petsmart (i hate this store) and i saw some Axolotols about an inch long so same size as corys. I know axolotols are cold water because i have one, but i also have corys in my tropical tank. Well why do PetSmart have them in the same tank. Bit weird. I...
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    Small Fish For Shifting Sand

    I've never had problems with sand going black in my tank. I have 3 corys and 2 kuhle loaches. Also after i've done a vac of the surface i run an old credit card through the sand moving it around. How thick is your layer of sand?. You should keep sand to a minimum, sand turning black is a bad...
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    Tank Video Update!

    Nice Tanks. Says your from lincolnshire, what happened to the northern accent? Very cute dog.
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    swimswim, doesnt say what area u are from. On the off chance you live in the same town i can give you a big bag of aquarium sand, i had loads left over after filling my axolotl tank
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    Are My Fish Oap's?

    Although you didnt say i think you meant did i add salt. Unfortunately i didnt know they needed salt when i bought them, i was badly advised at fish store and because of other things in my tank i couldnt add salt. I suppose i should have taken them back really but they seemed to be fine and i'd...
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    Are My Fish Oap's?

    Over the last few weeks i've lost a balloon molly about every 2 weeks. I now only have 1 left which looks like its about to pop its clogs. I've only had them about a year but they were adult size when i bought them. I had a problem with the stats a few months ago but the tank recycled quickly...
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    Variety is the spice of life! :lol: Your probably feeding them too much if they have 7 inch craps.
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    Speak Up And Be Counted!, Crosspost

    ? Staffycross, how do we know your the owner of that website, you could just be red devils alternative profile. Like what your trying to do though, i dont think websites are very 'visable' in getting the message across though. But its the cheapest way i guess. :fun:
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    Teeny Tiny Betta Bowl

    I was talking about the functionality of the product not the potential harm it could do. For example selling a packet of cigs that where falling to bits wouldnt pass quailty control would they, but functional well made ones would. I totally agree with the goldfish comments though, as if u...
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    Teeny Tiny Betta Bowl

    if these tanks where prone to falling off the wall they wouldnt sell them, although it is an american product so i dont know what you can get away with over there. I know it wouldnt wash here though
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    Teeny Tiny Betta Bowl

    yeh i dont think a newt would be very happy in there. Anyways a already have an axolotl
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    Teeny Tiny Betta Bowl

    I like the wall hanging look, its cool. Maybe i'll just set up a nice water display with a good background. Price has nothing to do with it really. I've got tons of small square tanks from upgrading every year, i was looking for something a bit different.
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    Teeny Tiny Betta Bowl

    Thanks for your advise, but i did ask if there was anything else i could put in it, i noticed the hole and thought it might jump out too
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    Teeny Tiny Betta Bowl

    I have just seen this betta bowl on ebay ,looks really cool but i am a bit worried about any fish you might put in it. Its a bit small aint it? Just wondering if there is anything else i could put in it at all. Not just plants...
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    Clown Loach Seems Drunk

    after 20% water change your nitrates have disappeared? Bit weird
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    probably had some kind of skin inflammation or burns for heater
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    Big Brother

    i heard about that over here in the UK, it made the papers. But it said he didnt actually touch her with it just waved it around a bit for a joke. Apparently she was asked if she wanted to press charges for sexual abuse
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    Coconut Shells

    The images are now missing, any chance of uploading one so we can see
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    Axolotl Set-up

    anyone? :-( UPDATE: She pooped out 3 stones last night, shes swimming better but is still a bit heavy so maybe theres a few more
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    Coconut Shells

    we used to make things out of cocunut at school. I think you cut in half scrape middle out then you can boil it to soften the rest of friut and scrape until your down to the hard shell. Then give it a good scrub :lol:
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    Cheesiest Tank Award

    I do believe that they are the crime 'busters' of the sea not fighters. As if i remember the theme tune. LOL :blush:
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    Axolotl Set-up

    wow :wub: pictures? My axolotl looks really fat today and hasnt moved around too much, she looks depressed. When they mate how quickly do they produce eggs? Think she may have swallowed some gravel. I am changing to sand today. She looks kinda heavy and her movements are laboured, she more...
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    Axolotl Set-up

    For an axolotl?
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    Axolotl Set-up

    Erm lets keep civil please, u wanna fight take it outside. NO SWEARING Thanks for all your comments people, i am really getting the hang of looking after my axie, we are getting on just fine. Thanks for pictures of the eggs. I hear they are difficult to breed so u must be doing something right. :D
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    Do u have a lid on the tank?, check the floor - Hope u dont find a crusty old fish. When fish die they are really difficult to find especially if you have natural coloured gravel. Disturb the stones and see if it gets kicked up. I doubt the fish you have in there would have eaten it :crazy:
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    Axolotl Set-up

    LOL :hyper: She is getting the hang of feeding from my hand, she is doing it more quickly each time. Still not keen on pellets though. She will only eat these if they are dropped near her, and i think she only eats them by mistake as she is startled by them she snaps em up.
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    Tank Crash - My Cory Cats Have Become Ill.

    no the scales are fine and i have been feeding flakes and catfish pellets, no change in diet, any ideas anyone? Dont ask me my water stats my test kit hasnt arrived yet. Please refer to the symptoms to advise. Erratic swimming, bloated bellies
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    Tank Crash - My Cory Cats Have Become Ill.

    HELP, i have got my self into a bit of a dilemma. My established tank of about 1 year has had a complete crash, i havent checked water stats but i know something is up. My 4 mollies got the shimmies a few days ago, 2 have now stopped. I cant treat with salt because i have freshwater fish in...
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    Axolotl Set-up

    How big is your axolotl clay roper? I have never seen one that 12 inches like people say they can get to. You think mine will get any bigger, how fast do they grow?
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    Axolotl Set-up

    damn i dint ask how old she was, although i've a pretty good feeling the lfs wouldnt have known anyway. She is about 4.5 inches long
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    Why Did They Die?

    Maybe the bogwood had stored up all the good bacteria and when u took it out the tank couldnt cope as well with the ammonia.
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    What Shall I Say So I Can Tank Tank Back

    You could tell them it was bowing at the front so you were worried about it leaking or summat, beware though they might tell you they can only swap it for you and not give your money back. If you havent unpacked it and you bought it in the last 14 days UK law (didnt check where u live) states...