Help Id A Fish Type Thing Found In My Lfs


Fish Herder
Dec 1, 2005
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The other day in the not so good LFS to me I noticed they had several tanks of these rather bizarre "fish". They were rather cool, but I want alot more information on them as well, I just do not trust this store advice.

Description: Freshwater, tropical. They were a dark, greenish grey colour, thick bodied and like a miniture alligator or lizard like (in the body shape, and they actually had feet.) Missing fins, they had webbed feet and strong tails for swimming and like ADFs live underwater but are air breathers. They were about 5" long and around the neck, they had like these weird bits they could stick out from their body, rather like a betta would flare its fins. They way this came out from the neck though, made me think more of a dinosour from Jurassic Park (the one that kills the fat guy at the end spraying him with mud like stuff)

They guy in the store was not one I would trust as he miss-named an oranda, but he called them something otters or otters something or other (you can tell I did not trust him as I did not pay full attention to remember) and said they do not grow much bigger than they are.

I would love to find out more about these fish type creatures as they were extremely odd and horrible but I loved them.

If I get a chance today, will pop in again and see if I can get a proper name and a photo from someone else but any help from the people on this forum would be fantastic as I really do not trust this stores information.
spot on there!! fantastic. My GF does not like them much but I think there are extremely curious and a fantastic oddball.
mexican salamander was the correct answer.

they are sub-tropical, so warmish waters are good. app the lower temp is required when the fish are wanting to be bred?
oooh sorry your avatar - i really really want a small group of seahorse

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