Small Fish For Shifting Sand


A True Oddball
Jul 12, 2005
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UK, Nr Chester

I'm looking for a fish or invert' (not snails) that I can keep in my 22gallon tank, that will sift the sand.
Just to keep the sand moving so it doesn't become completely black. The tank is planted so it would need to be something that will not damage the plants, also it would have to not eat small fish such as tetra. and otocinclus.

Any ideas, or am I hoping the impossible dream here?

I've looked at whip tails, but they would probably grow too big for the tank, and also eat the smaller in habitants.
Banjo Catfish,

Lovley when they are out @ night and wont eat any other inhabitants.

Always keep the sand moving around.

Or you could just use Malaysian Trumpet Snails.
they move my gravel! So im sure they will do a good job.

I have three Trilineatus in tnhere at the moment, but they spend most of their time hiding under the plants by the filter

thats worrying, mine are constantly looking for food within the gravel, theyre always on the go.

maybe you need more cories, your trillineatus are probably a bit scared and need more company too feel safe.
they move my gravel! So im sure they will do a good job.

I have three Trilineatus in tnhere at the moment, but they spend most of their time hiding under the plants by the filter

thats worrying, mine are constantly looking for food within the gravel, theyre always on the go.

maybe you need more cories, your trillineatus are probably a bit scared and need more company too feel safe.


Banjo Catfish,

Lovley when they are out @ night and wont eat any other inhabitants.

Always keep the sand moving around.

Or you could just use Malaysian Trumpet Snails.

Hrm, I though banjo's would eat small fish.

I'll give it another look
What about some Kuhli loaches? They don't get too big and like to bury themselves in the sand so would definitely keep it moving.

They are also a nice interesting addition I think, something a bit different. :good:
I agree with kuhli loaches, they get very small and look pretty, they also bury themselves in the sand. Corys only move the top layer of sand, so they won't be any good for what you want. Just use MTS, you only ever see them at lights out or when you turn the lights on in the morning.

yup i'll second the khuli loaches. I know you didn't want snails but mts are also a v good option.

I'm a little concerned if your sand is turning black, are you not vaccing it?
yup i'll second the khuli loaches. I know you didn't want snails but mts are also a v good option.

I'm a little concerned if your sand is turning black, are you not vaccing it?

yeah I do vaccuume it, its not black on the surface in under the surface. Anearobic bacteria building up? I dont understand why it builds up so fast in the tanks to be honest, I dont have any problems when I use gravel only when I use sand, the 20gallon has been setup only about a month or 3 :blink: , and it has already started... I changed my polyterus tank to gravel because of the same problem.

I dont use undergravel heating though, might this be the problem?

I did have two kuhlii loach, but they disappeared, :look: , the were very small, and may have been eaten by my bulldog plec? or something... not quite sure.

I may go with the khulii again.
Your supposed to stir the sand regularly to stop anerobic pockets gathering, which is what you have. I really think you should get malaysian trumpet snails, you never see them, and they have more good points than bad!

I've never had problems with sand going black in my tank. I have 3 corys and 2 kuhle loaches. Also after i've done a vac of the surface i run an old credit card through the sand moving it around.

How thick is your layer of sand?. You should keep sand to a minimum, sand turning black is a bad sign and can release chemicals into the water that harm your fish. I'd say an inch max.
ok about the stiring, I've bought a planter for the Snakehead tank, when I get it :)

so I will start stirring the sand regulary, the tank has 1" of sand and 1" of sand/Tetra CompleteSubstrate.

But the other tanks I have sand in also start to go black, and they have 1/2" if that in sand, as they have no plants in

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