Changes To Axolotl Over Weekend - Help


Fish Fanatic
Feb 5, 2006
Reaction score
England (Yorkshire)
I went away for the weekend i have come back this morning and my axolotl has changed. I am sure he didnt have nostrils before and now he has them.

Also i was wondering if anyone can think of anything thats better then liver to feed as the oil from the liver really fouls the water up. It floats on the top and is really difficult to remove. It turns icky and white after a few days.

My axolotl is in a bad mood today, do u think he missed me?
Lol axoltols do have nostrels so u shouldnt be worrying as for food u can feed him worms or beef heart realy anything meat is ok
yep they definatly have nostrils.

food wise i use earth worms,blood worm,i give chopped up prawns as a treat and all mine love the amphibian pellets you can buy
any ideas about the liver oil floating on the top and turning white? This is really annoying and can stink too.

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