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  1. W

    Fire Eel?

    thank you i've done much research since i posted. and called several pet stores in town and they said they were compatible. i have a tendency to believe you because i too have owned a fire eel before and it was also very docile and would eat out of my hand, unfortunately i didn't have my 46 gal...
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    How Many Fish?

    corys are bottom feeders ( small catfish) they come in many species. check them out.
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    How Many Fish?

    if you do want to get more barbs you can get a variety. for example i hav 4 strawberry tiger barbs, 3 rosy barbs and 3 green tiger barbs and they all school together.
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    Please Help...can I Have More Angels?

    introducing a new angel is tricky since they tend to be aggressive and territorial, however if it is the more of a docile angel this may be ok depending on the size of your tank. i would say a 30 gal or more you would be okay. i've had my angel(about the size of yours) for over 2 years now and...
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    New Tank, Cycling Question

    a good product for faster cycling is bio-spira. i actually has live bacteria in it although it is kind of expensive it is well worth the money. also a better water conditioner is Prime a little more expensive also but it removes amonia as well as chlorine and chloramine. you get what you pay for.
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    Beach Rocks

    i added beach rocks from the pacific to my freshwater tank and i've had it for over 5 years now. i used a mixture of bleach and warm water the thoroughly rinsed with hot water. i have had no fish losses in that tank.
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    Water Changes

    i use distilled water however this method can be a bit of an expense, but i have had better results than using tap water.
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    in addition to what squid said, the more filtration the better. for example in my 46 gal freshwater i have a 100 gal canister pump and a 20 gal filter also. in my 20 gal saltwater i have a 50 gal biowheel filter (which are excellent) and not too pricey.
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    Dead Cory

    it could be just that you got a sick fish. i've had my corys for 3 years now. if you see a few dead fish in the tanks at the store. it may mean you are not shopping at the right place. i would check around. your nitrates are a little high, as well as your ph. i usuall keep my no3 at 0 and...
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    Water Chemistry

    if your method is more accurate i would stick with it. sometimes the range on the store bought kits are broad so if you want to know the exact level, go with with what you know. however the store bought test kits probably require less time and effort. so it depends on which way you want to...
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    Whats Your Favourite Fish?

    i have two favorites. oscars because of their agressiveness(mine will actually eat out of my hand) and i love watching them chase around feeder! also in freshwater i like any eel esp the fire eel their colors ar very captivating but are prone to disease so thats a downside. :nod:
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    Oscars Wont Eat Need Help

    also keep a variety in their diet.
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    Oscars Wont Eat Need Help

    what are you trying to feed it? how big is it? it may be stressed from the ride home and acclimation. i wouldn't worry too much sometimes they need a couple of days to get used to it's new surroundings. i would try it on some frozen brine shrimp maybe also if it's big enough maybe some...
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    Valentini Puffer Compatibility

    i'm talkin like a dwarf lion or something most people dont have(the odd exotics) any other suggestions? :)
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    Fire Eel?

    so what about the fire eel? can you school me in them?
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    Help! Save My Tank!

    i do have a sand substrate, realitively small grain. however i lost my peacock eel due to amonia overload. i moved more than half of the fish from an established 20 gal. much to my dismay(being told it was ok by a petshop) i will never ask them for advice or shop there again. they were just...
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    Fire Eel?

    why did the pet store sell them in deep water tanks. are you sure you are not thinking of th red claw or something else?
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    Fire Eel?

    will a fire eel be ok w/ a peacock eel, 2 fiddler crabs, a docile angel fish, some barbs, 2 corys in a 46 gallon freshwater?
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    Valentini Puffer Compatibility

    what are some odd, hardy, small fish i can add to a 20 gal with crushed coral substrate, florida live rock and th v. puffer?
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    Help Save My Tank!

    i have a 46 gal. freshwater w/some barbs, a docile angelfish, a peacock eel, 2 corys, 2 fiddler crabs. (are fire eels compatible?) the problem is amonia level is extremely toxic. ive done water changes, added ammo chips, added ammo-lock and its still reading at about 4.0. what can i do to...
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    Help! Save My Tank!

    i have a 46 gallon w/a peacock eel, (will a fire eel be compatible?), some barbs, a docile angelfish, 2 cory cats, 2 fiddler crabs. my amonia level is extremly high. i used amo-lock, amonia chips, and did water change. it is still reading at about 4.0. how can i get this down safely...
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    Valentini Puffer Compatibility

    i have a new 20 gal saltwater w/ crushed coral substrate, florida live rock, and puff daddy (my v. puffer). what other fish can i put in with it (the odder the better). remember i have to keep it realitivley small for now at least. tell me more about the puffer and possible tankmates. thanx!
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    Valentini Puffer

    new to the game. have 20 gal. w/ crushed coral substrate, florida live rock and a valentini puffer. would like to know what small fish are compatible (not clowns, but something odd). also help with info about my puffer and potential tankmates. thanx.
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    Valentini Puffer

    just starting saltwater w/ a 20 gall. , florida live rock, crushed coral substrate, and a valentini puffer. had it for two days. what other realitivley small fish would be good to add? (other than clowns). tell me all you know about the puffer. thanx!