How Many Fish?


Jan 28, 2006
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How many fish should I have in my 29 gallon tank? I bought 4 tetras and 4 barbs. They are all tiny, and I want to get more fish that are just as small. I was wondering what amount is good in the tank of 29 gallons. Thanks.
The general rule is an inch of fish per gallon. When you do this, make sure you use the adult size. What type of barbs and tetras do you have? Those are very vauge descriptions.

Also, you probably want to get a few more barbs and tetras as they are schooling fish. SInce you have the room, try to get atleast 6 of each.

Has your tank fully cycled? What are your ammonia and nitrite readings?
if you do want to get more barbs you can get a variety. for example i hav 4 strawberry tiger barbs, 3 rosy barbs and 3 green tiger barbs and they all school together.
I have 2 lemon tetras and 2 tiger barbs. Dam, I forget about the other ones. My tank has fully cycled I think.
i always do the inch per gal rule but try to not go up to the limit as i sometimes start to get bored with the hobby and like to go out and treat myself on a couple of fish, so saving a few inches always comes in handy and is probly better for the fish in some respects.o and get corys, there the best fish for a comunity tank imo.
Try to get 4 more lemon tetras: they will be alot happier+ healthier ina larger group.. beware of the tiger barbs as they can be quite nippy, and one may pick on the other, a larger group is better but they will happily nip the fins of any other fish too (especially long finned fish).
Your tank may have cycled but only for the current number of fish you have.. you'll need to stock slowly to avoid a sudden increase in the bio-load.
Yes, the biggest fish in there, the Tiger Barb, was chasing them around. I kinda warned him with the net, and he hasn't been chasing them now. What are Corey's? I am also getting an algae eater. Maybe I'll get 4 more lemon tetras and 4 more tiger barbs.
corys are bottom feeders ( small catfish) they come in many species. check them out.

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