Fire Eel?


New Member
Jan 30, 2006
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will a fire eel be ok w/ a peacock eel, 2 fiddler crabs, a docile angel fish, some barbs, 2 corys in a 46 gallon freshwater?
Don't have a clue but would suggest you post this in the odd balls thread as well, to ensure you get a response.

Would think that the fire eel would eat the angel, barbs and corys though as it's a predator. This is what CFC posted in the pinned OddBall species FAQ:

"Mastacembelus erythrotaenia, Fire eel; The fire eel is the second largest of the commonly seen spiney eels and can reach lengths of up to 30 inches though 2 feet is more likely in captivity. They are predators and will consume any smaller fish that they can fit into their mouths so tankmates should be over 4 inches. A tank of 180 gallons is needed to house adult fish though the species grows quite slowly"
Fiddler crabs need land and brackish water.

Of course they do! Doh

Need quite a bit of land too and as your other fish will need quite a bit of water Windy (the angel needs clearance for it's fins) I suggest you rethink your stocking options!
Fiddler crabs need land and brackish water.
why did the pet store sell them in deep water tanks.

To make money. More people have tanks full of water, than tanks with a bit of land in right? The same rules apply when you ask the question "why did they sell them in fresh water and not brackish?".
Windy, you're gonna quickly find out around the forum that lots of fish stores do things, say things and keep things in conditions that just aren't correct for that species.

Most important thing to do when you're considering keeping fish / inverts or anything really is what you've done here - ask! If someone tells you something you're not sure about - ask again!

We don't mind.

Many stores will keep their brackish water fish and inverts in freshwater for the short period they are with them, cos it's easier for them. Fiddler crabs are often kept in full water tanks but they will not survive in this environment in the long term.

Please read PenguinPimps' article on them Here and then lets us know if you have any more questions.

Good luck with the investigating!
Windy, you're gonna quickly find out around the forum that lots of fish stores do things, say things and keep things in conditions that just aren't correct for that species.

Most important thing to do when you're considering keeping fish / inverts or anything really is what you've done here - ask! If someone tells you something you're not sure about - ask again!

We don't mind.

Many stores will keep their brackish water fish and inverts in freshwater for the short period they are with them, cos it's easier for them. Fiddler crabs are often kept in full water tanks but they will not survive in this environment in the long term.

Please read PenguinPimps' article on them Here and then lets us know if you have any more questions.

Good luck with the investigating!
so what about the fire eel? can you school me in them?
i think your tank is too small for a fire eel :( plus it may not get along with your other eel
Everyone is right that they get way to big for a 46 Gallon. As far as eating everything else, my Tyre Track Eel is about 10" long and has eaten nothing bigger than a neon tetra, fish that is. Sure his mouth opens huge and he eats full shrimp like nothing, but either I came up with a docile one or they are all that way I'm not sure. In the long run I would say yes he would eat cories and depending on which barbs you have, the barbs too if you have something like cherry barbs. As far as the angel, I'm thinking not.
I have a 15 inch fire eel that I've had 4 years now. hes docile as anything and is in there with a peacock eel as it happens which is very small. I've never kept tetras in there but there have been smaller fish which its never touched. It is docile and a great fish and just loves its prawns and frozen bloodworm etc
I have a 15 inch fire eel that I've had 4 years now. hes docile as anything and is in there with a peacock eel as it happens which is very small. I've never kept tetras in there but there have been smaller fish which its never touched. It is docile and a great fish and just loves its prawns and frozen bloodworm etc
thank you i've done much research since i posted. and called several pet stores in town and they said they were compatible. i have a tendency to believe you because i too have owned a fire eel before and it was also very docile and would eat out of my hand, unfortunately i didn't have my 46 gal then and had to trade him in. once again thanx!
:lol: always makes me chuckle when someone takes the advise of one person over the advise of many just because the one person is saying what they want to hear.
:lol: always makes me chuckle when someone takes the advise of one person over the advise of many just because the one person is saying what they want to hear.

I suppose that means you don't agree with what I say. :D

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