Whats Your Favourite Fish?


If you're a cory and you know it clap your.. hands
Nov 13, 2005
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go on, tell us your favourite feeshy and a short reason why :D

mine would have to be a red-tailed black shark, beautiful fish and lots of personality :)#

PS: i also love my pictus catfish and my red-claw crab :wub:

Well Bettas have.. interesting personalities. They can't take my spot as fave though because ive gone through so much of a hastle finding a tankmate for my current one. :lol:

Oddly enough, mickey mouse platies. Mine just eat algae off the glass all day and do other cute stuff.
Lisa jayne started a thread the same as this yesterday morning. Its on page 2 at the moment.
difficult question as i like any fish i buy, but i reckon my pictus is one of my faves, just love the way it looks ... although i also have a couple of platinum angels i reckon will look amazing in a few months ... although my black angel already looks amazing.

see what i mean :/
difficult question as i like any fish i buy, but i reckon my pictus is one of my faves, just love the way it looks ... although i also have a couple of platinum angels i reckon will look amazing in a few months ... although my black angel already looks amazing.

see what i mean :/

I've only been keeping fish a couple of weeks, but I *adore* my plattys. They're inquisitive wee souls and its very hard not to try and get too attached to them.

I'm currently trying to decide on some future tank mates for them, but I have no idea! I'm tempted by dwarf gouramis though!
Guppy fry are most fishes favourite! :D

One favourite.. that's really difficult.

I think the most fun to keep so far are red claw crabs (ok not technically a fish). Very interesting to watch (when they're not hiding away) and fun to get them to rear their claws. Funny swimmers and great climbers and a complete pain in the *rse when they get into the filter or out of the tank even though you thought it was free of holes.

My favourite fish so far are probably a pair of Aphyosemion Gardneri. Strong colours almost like a marine fish. They breed readily, but not to plague proportions and a single pair can be kept in a small planted (species) tank.

My goal in life ( the life of a fish keeper) is to eventually have a large tank with a shoal of Bala Sharks, and maybe some red tailed sharks.....
Mine has got to be Bettas but i do really like Hoplo Catfish there greedy little guys!!!
Oooh, these threads are so difficult- like choosing between your children. I do have a soft spot for livebearers, platies in particular. But then cories are lovely, too, and I used to adore my khuulie loaches...

Of individual fish, I think the one I have been most attached to was my red wagtail platy Smudge, who died in the autumn. I tried so hard to save her life. My consolation is one of her daughters is growing up very like her. Bobbin is my office fish, as she is slightly deformed (born while Smudge was already struggling). She shares the office tank with my other favourite Sarah, a very handsome tuxedo+yellow guppy who was ill with the same infection but recovered. Sarah can be a bully, but Bobbin, despite her smaller size and deformity, is totally unfazed. She moves out of the way and then goes straight back to the food.
i have two favorites. oscars because of their agressiveness(mine will actually eat out of my hand) and i love watching them chase around feeder fish...cool! also in freshwater i like any eel esp the fire eel their colors ar very captivating but are prone to disease so thats a downside. :nod:

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