Please Help...can I Have More Angels?


New Member
Jan 30, 2006
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stoke on trent
can anyone tell me how to go about introducing new angelfish nto my tank? i had a true pair but sadly the male died about 4 months ago. the female is quite happy swimming round our comunity tank but there are 2 similiar sized angels in our regular fish shop and im wondering wether or not to try and introduce one of them into my tank. the 2 in the shop are not a pair and in seperate tanks. has anyone safely done this without bullying? she is 3 yrs old now.and the size of a palm,,maybe little smaller. she was one of 3 fry i had from a friend.


oh and also i hae 5 clown loaches, 3 of them are nice and fat and big now, but two of them are still the same small size as a small platy! theyve never grown in the 16 months ive had them but the others have?? any ideas to help them grow please?
introducing a new angel is tricky since they tend to be aggressive and territorial, however if it is the more of a docile angel this may be ok depending on the size of your tank. i would say a 30 gal or more you would be okay. i've had my angel(about the size of yours) for over 2 years now and i have some barbs and it does not bother them at all. my angel is very docile. use caution however.

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