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  1. G

    In Sump Skimmer And Refugium.

    Does anyone has a refugium and in sump skimmer? If so how do you do it, since if I put the skimmer in the refugium, the pump will suck chaeto in. Is HOB skimmer the only option in that case? Thanks.
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    Where To Buy Lr?

    Thanks for all your replies.
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    Green Mandarin/dragonet

    yeah, but since my return pump flow is pretty strong, my only worry is that they will all suck into the pump (even with the LR in the refug) and into the DT and fishes eating it. :-( I don't want to keep buying pods every week.
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    Green Mandarin/dragonet

    Actually you can get 200 pods for $10 from How about about pods in the refug? do you think they can establish in the refugium and avoid get suck into the return pump ( of course some of them will suck out, but wondering whether majority of them can stay in the refug and form a...
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    Green Mandarin/dragonet

    I really want to get those green mandarin too. From what I have researched so far, they need at least 100 gallon completely established reef tank. Too bad I can't get tank that big. :-( If anyone has successful keep those guys in 55 gallon for at least a year, I would really like to hear their...
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    Coral Beauty And Flame Angel

    Thanks guys. I don't want bi-color, the only reason I want both of them was because of their color, but if they won't get along, i won't try it.
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    Coral Beauty And Flame Angel

    Can coral beauty and flame angel live together in a 55 gallon tank with 30 gallon refugium? I heard only one dwarf angel per tank and just want to confirm whether it is true or not. Thanks.
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    55 Gallon Stock List.

    Thanks everyone for your replies. why did you go with only 30 white legged? why not mixed up all the colors? are they more peaceful than red legged and blue legged? Is diamond goby the only sand sifting goby? not very colorful one:-( what about yellow clown goby? are they good sand sifter...
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    55 Gallon Stock List.

    Thank you very much for ur reply. how many snails, crab, do u recommend? and please tell me the name and quantity of the snails and crab that I should add as a clean up crew.
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    55 Gallon Stock List.

    Hi, I am starting a new FOWLR (may be a couple of corals). I haven't buy any fish or LR yet. I just want to check with you guys on my initial fish list. Basically, I want variety of colors, as many color as possible. I will have a 55 gallon (4 feet long) tank with about 50 lbs of live sand and...
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    Where To Buy Lr?

    have you heard of Their price seems pretty cheap.
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    Where To Buy Lr?

    If any of you guys buy LR online, please let me know where you buy it and what is your experience with the rocks. Or if you live in bay area in Northern California and buy LR from LFS, please let me know the name of the store. Thanks in advance.
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    Which Brand Of Live Sand

    Those two brands that I posed are not wet sand. they are dry sand, but said on the bad "live sand"
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    Which Brand Of Live Sand

    I thought about that, but then there is not much of the price difference between the two brands I posted above and just aragonite sand. So I figure I will just go with live sand from the begining. Is there any disadvantages for going with live sand?
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    Which Brand Of Live Sand

    Ocean Direct Caribbean Live Sand from CaribSea OR Nature's Ocean Bio-Active Reef Sand (they have reef substrate prob CC and reef sand, I am only comparing the reef sand) Please help me decide which live sand to choose. And also how is it compared to the live sand (i mean advantage and...
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    What To Look For While Buying Lr

    Did anyone here used uncured live rock to cycle your new tank? I am curious as to what your experiences were.
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    What Kind Of Light For The Refugium?

    how many gallons is your sump and what is the wattage of your light? echolight are T5 light, correct? Thanks.
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    What To Look For While Buying Lr

    Thanks, but there are lots of people selling LR from established tank (btw i was suggested to buy it from established tank rather than from fish store), how would I know who is selling good quality LR (I don't know may be the one with lots of life form visible on it are good quality rocks)? I...
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    What To Look For While Buying Lr

    I am planning to buy LR locally from established tank. What should I look for in LR beside coraline algae. I don't know how to determine good quality. How to differentiate good quality LR from others?
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    What Brand Of Skimmer?

    andywg is right. couldn't find any tunzes second hand. well I can't find deltec second hand either. but I see lots of aquac remora second hand. Is that a good brand? some one who has used it before, please share your experience. Thanks.
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    What Kind Of Light For The Refugium?

    I am thinking of setting up a 10 gallon refugium, i think MH light will be too much, do you think?
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    What Kind Of Light For The Refugium?

    Sorry, I have been asking so many questions lately, but still in the phase of trying to learn things. What kind of light do I need for the refugium? I am planning to put some LR and algae plants such as cheato. I mean do I need actinic light? 10000K light? 6700K light? how many watts per gallon...
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    What Brand Of Skimmer?

    Thanks, guys, I guess coralife is a no-no then. How about aquac remora? Is it pretty good? andywg, I only have a 55 gallon tank, so I am relectant to spend $400 ( don't know how much are the skimmers you mentioned) on skimmer alone, but I appreciate your advice.
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    What Brand Of Skimmer?

    Hi, Beside euro reef (too expensive), what brand of skimmer do you guys use? And how do you like it? I am leaning toward coralife super skimmer, is that a good one? I heard that only the highest model (for 200 gallons) is good enough and other are not. Please share your experiences with any...
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    How To Insert An Image?

  26. G

    How To Insert An Image?

    Hi I have a hard time trying to figure out how to insert an image into the topic. Could someone please tell me? when i click on insert image button, it asks me to enter the URL for the image rather than load it from my computer. Feel so dumb. Thanks.
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    Starting A Sw Tank.

    Hi n3ont3tra, No, I do not want to cycle with ammonia, and that is why I am asking whether it is ok to just dump in LS, LR and fishes and get instantly cycled tank. Thank you everyone for your responds. From all your inputs, it sounds like if I do it carefully with all ur suggestions about...
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    Starting A Sw Tank.

    I see what your concern is now. I don't think I can transfer all the water from the old tank to the new tank as well. I will try to be careful to match the condition as much as possible. Thanks for sharing your expereince. Just around 1 inches of sand bed in the other tank. you mind telling me...
  29. G

    Starting A Sw Tank.

    Thanks for your reply. I have 55 gallon tank with 20 gallon sump. I am wondering how can the die-off happen if I just buy it from the established tank (for more than two years) and transportation take about 30 mins and everything will be in water the whole time. the guy I am planning to buy it...
  30. G

    Starting A Sw Tank.

    Hi, I am switching from freshwater to saltwater and I have plenty of questions. I will start with this one. I am planning to buy Live Sand, LR and fishes all together from an established tank and put into my tank. I just have an empty tank right now. In that case, do I still need to cycle my...
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    What Filter To Use For Betta Tank.

    Guys, Thanks for replying my post. Using two small nano filters on each side did cross my mind. But in the future, i might want to add in one more divider to keep three in the tank, and not really want to buy extra filter(being cheap, i guess), so i was hoping that may be undergravel filter...
  32. G

    What Filter To Use For Betta Tank.

    Hi, I recently switch from keeping fresh water puffers to betta. So my tank is fully cycled. I have 10 gal tank with a tank divider(Penn Plax divider bought from petsmart) and keeping two betta fishes at the moment. I have a power filter and the water current seems too strong for one side of...
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    Ammo-carb, Ammo-chips

    Are you guys familiar with filter media products from aquarium pharmaceutical called "Ammo-Carb" and "Ammo-Chips"?? Are they any good? I have tried "prime" and "Amquel+", but my tank's ammonia level is still high(1.5-2ppm) and I don't want to overdose my fishes with those products. Tank has...
  34. G

    Help. Johanni Dying?

    Hi, I have a new 55 gallons tank with 6 small cichlids. (all are about 1.5 inches). The tank has been running for about 4 weeks now. I have been doing 25% water change every week. Yesterday, I test the water and I saw about 1-2 ppm of ammonia, 0 nitrite, 0 nitrate. so I changed the water...
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    My Cichlid Throwing Up?

    Hi, I just get a melanochromis auratus with four other cichlids and every time I feed them, the mel. auratus would eat the food and after about a min, it throws up the food and try to eat it again. I feed them spirulina flakes and dainichi cichlid floating pallets. (it throws up both types of...
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    Help, Please! Can A Red-claw Crab Live In Half Gallon Bowl For A C

    Hi, I have a 10 gallon tank with dwarf gouramies and a red-claw crab. I found some white spots on one of the fishes ( the others are also trying to rub against rocks) and found out it is "ick" and I want to medicate the fishes. But I am afraid that my red claw crab might not survive with the...
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    How Many Dwarf Gouramies Can I Keep In 10 Gallons Tank

    Thanks guy. I wish i got these info before i bought the fishes. I just add bio-spira and keeping my fingers crossed that my fishes will survive.
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    How Many Dwarf Gouramies Can I Keep In 10 Gallons Tank

    For some reason, I did not receive any email from the forum. Is there any place on the forum I can check to make sure that I enter the right email address? Also please help!!! my ammonia level in the tank is very high and I do water change everyday and also add some Amquel+ to reduce ammonia...
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    How Many Dwarf Gouramies Can I Keep In 10 Gallons Tank

    Thanks for your posts, guys. I will just be content with 4 gouramies for now and may be changed to bigger tank after a while. :-)
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    How Many Dwarf Gouramies Can I Keep In 10 Gallons Tank

    Thanks rdd. I haven't test the amonia and nitrate level yet. I will go buy the kit today. And I am not planning to add a new fish right away. I am planning to add it a couple of weeks later. Could you explain to me about what are the disadvantages of possibly overloading the tank(with 5 dwarf...