What Kind Of Light For The Refugium?


New Member
Dec 27, 2005
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Sorry, I have been asking so many questions lately, but still in the phase of trying to learn things. What kind of light do I need for the refugium? I am planning to put some LR and algae plants such as cheato. I mean do I need actinic light? 10000K light? 6700K light? how many watts per gallon do I need? And also how many gallons of refugium is probably good for 55 gallons display tank. Thanks.
I've heard its best to use a metal halide light, i'm not sure what wattage or anything because i've never been very good with that. With the metal halides you can give any plants a large amount of light to produce as much oxygen from photosynthesis during the night when your main lights are off.

I am thinking of setting up a 10 gallon refugium, i think MH light will be too much, do you think?
I use an ecolight to light my sump

Give great chaeto growth

how many gallons is your sump and what is the wattage of your light? echolight are T5 light, correct? Thanks.

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