55 Gallon Stock List.


New Member
Dec 27, 2005
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I am starting a new FOWLR (may be a couple of corals). I haven't buy any fish or LR yet. I just want to check with you guys on my initial fish list.

Basically, I want variety of colors, as many color as possible. I will have a 55 gallon (4 feet long) tank with about 50 lbs of live sand and 55 to 75 lbs of LR. I will have 10 gallon refugium with chaeto and LR in it. Here is my list.

2 False Percula clown (orange ) 2 because I heard they like a pair.
flame angel (red)
yellow tang (yellow)
blue damsel (blue)
orchid dortyback (orchid)
Mandarin Dragonet (green) will add after 6 months.

fire shrimp
cleaner skunk shrimp

some hermit crabs (blue leg, red leg, green leg)
some snails.

How does it look? Any problem, aggressiveness? too many fishes? Any other color suggestion? Do I need some fishes to turn the sand? any other clean up crew? All your inputs are much appreciated. Thanks.
Tang will eventually need to be re-housed, as he will outgrow the 55G, I was given a sail fin tang (less than an inch in length) and am facing the same dilemma. Also, not sure how many "some" are, but You will want a lot of snails/crabs ^^, may also look into getting a emerald crab...fun to watch and love to eat up bubble algae. I have about the same load on my tank for fish, and with good skimming/filtration it has not been a problem at all, I am still waiting to add my coral beauty or flame.

Tang will eventually need to be re-housed, as he will outgrow the 55G, I was given a sail fin tang (less than an inch in length) and am facing the same dilemma. Also, not sure how many "some" are, but You will want a lot of snails/crabs ^^, may also look into getting a emerald crab...fun to watch and love to eat up bubble algae. I have about the same load on my tank for fish, and with good skimming/filtration it has not been a problem at all, I am still waiting to add my coral beauty or flame.


Thank you very much for ur reply. how many snails, crab, do u recommend? and please tell me the name and quantity of the snails and crab that I should add as a clean up crew.
yellow tang will most likely get to big yes! blue damsels i think have a slight agression problem .... chec out WRASSES especially the carpenters and filamented flasher wrasses, awesome bright and stay small, just waiting for my lfs to get them in so i can get um!!

hermtis get red legged ones , blues r a tad agressive.

snails get a variety. as for amount you can get a fair few since they wont affect the bioload a whle lot.

o and flame angels can sometimes (not always) nip corals. and orchid dottyback is an awesoem fish, wouldnt mind one of them too, wen u go to get one make sure it has a black line through the eye area ... i think thats the orchard, theres a similar fish with no black markigns called a magenta i think and they can eb more agressive. .. i may be wrong btu its what ive read :)
i have a 65 gal so i can relate for you..... i have 30 white legged hermits almost the exact same as the red legged, i have 5 huge (size of a quarter maybe bigger) turbo snails, 1 emerald crab need another one, 2 cleaner shrimp(scarlet), 1 blood shrimp, and 1 peppermint shrimp. i noticed that not many of those CUC touched my sand so i bought a diamond back goby... a excellent sand shifter, and i also have one brittle stairfish(body the size of a quater, it has the hairy looking legs)... for ref i have 118lbs of LR, 5 pieces of coral, and for fish ..... flame angel, 4 "nemo clowns", domino damsel, royal gramma, and one BTA (bubble top anemone)
Thanks everyone for your replies.

i have a 65 gal so i can relate for you..... i have 30 white legged hermits almost the exact same as the red legged, i have 5 huge (size of a quarter maybe bigger) turbo snails, 1 emerald crab need another one, 2 cleaner shrimp(scarlet), 1 blood shrimp, and 1 peppermint shrimp. i noticed that not many of those CUC touched my sand so i bought a diamond back goby... a excellent sand shifter, and i also have one brittle stairfish(body the size of a quater, it has the hairy looking legs)... for ref i have 118lbs of LR, 5 pieces of coral, and for fish ..... flame angel, 4 "nemo clowns", domino damsel, royal gramma, and one BTA (bubble top anemone)

why did you go with only 30 white legged? why not mixed up all the colors? are they more peaceful than red legged and blue legged? Is diamond goby the only sand sifting goby? not very colorful one:-( what about yellow clown goby? are they good sand sifter? Unfortunately, I only want bright color fishes.
the reason i bought only white legged hermits is that i heard bad things from my LFS about the red legged, and i heard that the blue legged are no as hearty. i have no idea about the goby, its the only sand shifter thats available at my LFS im sure theres quit a few others.

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