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  1. F

    Black Ghost

    Or you could try this bit ...
  2. F

    Black Ghost

    did you read my post ? I said :
  3. F

    Black Ghost

    Me ? I bought the whole community from eBay, the BGK and the tetras have lived happily together for several years,. I don't know how many tetras they've lost, but in 2 weeks I haven't lost one.
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    Black Ghost

    My BGK is 8" and he comes out during the day sometimes. He will always come out when I feed the other fish (frozen bloodworm) and he usually finishes off the block when it gets down to him.
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    Breeding Feeder Shrimp

    I'm going to try this soon :
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    Making A Website

    As I said ... I was heading for the same offer as Peter - hosting,etc. IMHO I would choose Joomla instead of Mambo, team that with SMF (Simple Machine Forums) and Coppermine for the gallery
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    Making A Website

    Trust me, it still won't cut it !
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    Making A Website

    HTML is not really source code, and if you want a site that big (I think you want it big) you will need something a lot better than DreamWeaver. You really need a database-driven site, with a good CMS.
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    Got Married! (new Pics Submitted Through Out)

    Congrats, love the shirts :) That's the good thing about a weeding - if you want it that way, that's the way it should be :)
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    Question About An Slr Camera

    Nothing beats Canon SLR's, but the T70 is a REALLY old model. Maybe tag it as an antique and get a newer one that will help you a lot more in getting the right shot.
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    Transfering Fish

    I had to do a similar thing the other day (and I'm a newbie!). I had an offer on a 4' tank that was too hard to give up, and my other tank was not fully cycled yet. So ..... the advice I gave the tank owner was to NOT touch anything, and this is what I did : - arrive, and bag the fish - wood...
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    Fishless Cycling

    Mate, read my sig. I'm dreading my big water changes, but I'll be adding the water by the bucket and treating each bucket as it goes in.
  13. F

    Explaining Spikes In Cycling

    OMG ... NH3 = 0.25ppm in the tap water !!! no wonder the NH3 tests were mostly 0.25 Now I need to re-assess where my 6' tank is actually up to in the cycle, but is my maths correct : 400l = 400,000ml If I want to achieve 6ppm then I really want to add 2.4ml of NH3, to make it : 2.4 : 400000...
  14. F

    Cycling A Tank ...

    OK, is my logic ok here, or completely flawed ? Most of the beneficial bacteria live in the filter, even in the foam of an internal filter (you know the one, fits completely within your tank - sucks water up and it exits at water level). So, if I was planning on getting a new tank, but already...
  15. F

    Fishless Cycling

    I'd be more worried with the chlorine. I'm pretty sure the chlorine will kill the bacteria.
  16. F

    Explaining Spikes In Cycling

    I'm going to test the tap water now - have not done that yet :o The Nitrite colours are definitely distinguishable, the ppm/colours are : 0 - green 0.05 - sky blue 0.1 - purple 0.2 - burgundy 0.5 - pink >1 - dark red
  17. F

    I Really Need Help! With My Geometry Fish Tank Related

    This is the best site I've found to do that : It gives fish numbers as well, but be sure to use 0 in the % area if you don't want that size.
  18. F

    Explaining Spikes In Cycling

    Hi, I'm using a kit called "Fresh Lab" by Red Sea. Comes with colour cards with the NO2 card readings being : 0,0.05,0.1,0.2,0.5,>1 and the NH3 readings being : 0,0.25,0.5,1.0,2.5,5.0,7.5 there's also pH 6.2-7.4 and 7.4-8.6 on 2 separate cards.
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    Explaining Spikes In Cycling

    But the plants were put in after the readings were taken.
  20. F

    Explaining Spikes In Cycling

    If you've read my threads you'll know a few things - I'm new - no, REALLY new!. I bought my first tank ever just before Christmas (second tank shortly after that ;)) and first put water in ANY tank on Dec 30,2005 but there is some weird things happening. First, I got a 6' tank that needed some...
  21. F

    Should I ?

    Yeah, I googled for quite a few different variants. Found a lot of sites, but the forum traffic and community interest seemed to be the best here. For marines, MASA definitely seems the go !!!
  22. F

    My 20gal Marine

    What animals have you got in there ? I see the 2 clowns and the BCS, but what else ? With that amount of rock, coral, etc.... how many/much fish could you put in there ?
  23. F

    My 20gal Marine

    Awesome pics mate, I was just reading your blog over on MASA. I think this those dozen pics you've converted me to a 4' marine when I can get one. I don't have the floorspace now, but I'm sure I could fit it in somewhere ;)
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    Should I ?

    Thanks, already cruising the MASA site. I see that MASA is SW focussed, does anyone know of an equivalent FW Aussie-based site ?
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    Second-hand Tank, But What Else Do I Need ?

    Thanks for the link, I didn't see before that you were in Adelaide :)
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    Should I ?

    Thanks for that. I didn't know if it was best to move this thread to a different tank subject or not, so I created a new thread here largely so I could keep the info separate when comparing the nano to the bigger 300L one.
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    Second-hand Tank, But What Else Do I Need ?

    Following on from my thread about a nano, would this be a better prospect : hopefully nobosy reads this who also lives in Sydney and beats me at the auction :o
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    Empty Bottles ?

    Didn't think of that :o It would definitely be stagnant. The bottles ranged from just lying on the bottom to maybe 25% buried with the opening still level with the gravel.
  29. F

    Should I ?

    Yes, I did have concerns about it being too small. This is what the tank looks like : 2 x clown fish 3 x starfish and some live rock I would like to add some coral, maybe a shrimp, but that would be about it. I'm still coming to terms with the small size (thanks for the nano definition :))...
  30. F

    Should I ?

    Hi, I'm a newbie to everything fish. I only got my first tank about 4-5 weeks ago but I've just found an awesome deal on eBay for a marine tank. Dumb question is : Should I buy ? Is marine considered harder because there are more parameters to control or get wrong, whichever the case may be...
  31. F

    Full Adult Size

    I knew guppies were small, but I didn't realise how small until I went to buy some. Most of the books quote 1"-1.5" but for the ones I've seen the body is a lot less than that, and the tail MIGHT get the length up to raound 1.0". What length should I be looking for to breed ? Also, what iis...
  32. F

    Empty Bottles ?

    I went to another LFS the other day, and noticed that in most tanks they had en empty glass bottle in the tank. It didn't seem to matter what species was in the tank, the bottle was just random. Should I think of doing the same ?, or is it just if they breed ? I would love to get a knifefish...
  33. F

    Which Fish Needs To Go Into A New Tank First?

    Not just overstocking, but 2 males would be likely to kill each other - but check with someone else, I'm fairly new as well but I do think that the males will fight to the death.
  34. F

    First Fish

    And the fact that all the fish I was talking about are FW. Don't worry, I've just seen you post almost the same thing letter for letter in another thread. You also said you don't have FW, only SW. OK, so where do I get some in Sydney ? .... Or where do you get Sera products in Oregon so you...
  35. F

    Hello I'm Kristy

    hi Kristy, What country are you from to be stationed in Germany ?
  36. F

    First Fish

    Not really, I have a friend that I haven't seen for a few years that used to talk about when he had fish. I've been trying to contact him, but haven't been able to do so yet.
  37. F

    First Fish

    RoyalGrammaPrincessHannah, have you used the Sera products before ? I haven't mentioned anything about FW or SW, but I have one question : Hypothetically, how long would it take them to die ? What are ths signs I should be watching out for ?
  38. F

    First Fish

    Sure, but I'm a newb ;) so this tank I've tagged as "the LFS way" and my 6' tank will be done "the net way". The LFS said just use "bacteria in a bottle" for 10 days then buy a small number of hardy fish ... ok, that's what I'll do. My 6' tank will be done the "proper" way. FULL cycle with...
  39. F

    First Fish

    Ah !!!!, so I caught that disease off YOU !!!!!. ;) My first tank purchase (only a few weeks ago) was a 6' tank that needs lids and a few other things. In the meantime I've acquired the 4' tank and some smaller 2' tanks (to be used for breeding, quarantine, etc..) NH3 : 0.25 and NO2 : 0, but...
  40. F

    Where Can I Get A Cheap Tank From

    I got all my stuff on ebay - just use the local search, or another favourite of mine "sydney pickup" Well, change the sydney to where you live ;) GREAT bargains because you have to go there personally to get it.