My 20gal Marine

Mr Miagi

Veins are flowing with SW, now going back to FW!
Mar 5, 2004
Reaction score
Adelaide, Australia!


Not the best pics, but a quick update of how the tanks looking today. :)
Awesome pics mate, I was just reading your blog over on MASA. I think this those dozen pics you've converted me to a 4' marine when I can get one. I don't have the floorspace now, but I'm sure I could fit it in somewhere ;)
Thanks fulltilt! :) It sure has come quite aways since i bought it.

One for Angry Platy! ;)


Great looking tank :) I wish I had the money for a salt water set up. But then I'd be over-run with fish, so I guess it's
What animals have you got in there ?

I see the 2 clowns and the BCS, but what else ?

With that amount of rock, coral, etc.... how many/much fish could you put in there ?
Thanks guys!

What animals have you got in there ?

I see the 2 clowns and the BCS, but what else ?

With that amount of rock, coral, etc.... how many/much fish could you put in there ?

I only have thew two clowns. I dont know what you mean by BCS?
WIth the size of the tank, 20g, and LR and sand displacement, im probably only looking at 10" of fish. But oi dont plan to keep the clowns. I want to get a school of Yellow clown Gobies (G. Okinawae.) and a 6 line wrasse when I get a hood. That will probably be all. :)

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