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  1. W

    Help me grow algae

    come over to my house. i'll give you all the algae you could dream of :nod: i agree fully with freddyk -
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    I am so frustrated right now

    use the bag, or just get a clean tupperware container with a lid. as long as its clean, and you havent used strong cleaning fluids in it. you know, no bleach, no amonia stuff. just a food container thats clean. i've seen people bring in blue goruamis in fresh ziplock bags. :D
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    I am so frustrated right now

    if you have your reciept, call them and let them know what happened and your on your way back. its best to do it now. its happened to us as well. we'd gotten kissing gouramis that turned out to be a frickin convict chiclid o_0 and too many times we'd purchased otto's that turned out to be...
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    What they most you've ever spent on a fish ?

    austrailian rainbows. 10 bucks each, we'd purchased 6. we lost 5 over an amonia spike (thanks to the death of the breeding snailfest in the fluval)>.< but well worth the money. beautiful fish.
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    Cooling the tank.

    over the past two days we've tried placing icepacks in plastic bags with the lid open, and icecubes. (its for a 10gallon that jumped to 88 degrees F) today we took a different approach: 3 computer fans wires from the fans plexiglass adapter (powersource) some splicing is involved, but its...
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    it's been awhile

    thanks guys, its good to be here. glolite - black and silver. here's the best photos i can produce. (fish also has one messed up eye) 1 2 his whiskers are very long, tho with the lack of quality of my pictures you cant see them.
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    it's been awhile

    :huh: wow. its certainly been awhile. this forum is huge!! congratulations guys!! i'll just uhm.. re-introduce myself I've been fishkeeping for a few years, but im still learning plenty! cat keeper, fishkeeper, and spouse keeper (all pets ofcourse). glad to be here. *** 72g setup: 1...
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    Fish of the month October 2003

    i voted freshmike2 photo. I adore the story he shared with us, on how he rescued this frontosa from the pet store. thankyou, freshmike. :thumbs:
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    Odin and Whisper

    :angry: some cat that goes by the name of Odin, just learned how to open the lid to my 30g and go fishing. thankfully no fish have been caught!
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    Clown loach Dead

    sorry for your loss, friend. in the span of 4 weeks, i have lost 5 clowns. i had originally boughten 2, (14 bucks a pop) and they got ich (that white stuff). my hubby didnot think we had ich, and bought two more. :/ after the first one died, we got him replaced. then 2 more died days later...
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    Hurt Gouramis

    hmmm... interesting update.. the *spot* of *pooled blood* is all but gone, and now BOTH of his fins are blood red, not clear-blue. he is still in the hospital tank, and he seems to be fine.. he is eating like normal, and swimming around.. but why would both fins become red? his feeler thingies...
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    sick gourami

    i have a very sick or injured gourami right now as well. What i can only suggest, since i am very limited in knowledge, is .. can you put him in a hospital tank where he can be all by himself? i noticed all my fish were picking at his wound.. i had to seperate him so he could get better. as for...
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    Odin and Whisper

    here is the last photo i have (i just lost all of my photos... LONG, horrible story) its my favorite so far, its a rare photo of them together- normally whisper is kicking his butt around :lol: no, its more like she is pinning him down all the time so she can clean him :wub: Odin just got...
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    Lost Loaches

    generally 2 weeks? it took alot of time for my clowns to get use to the hospital tank.. they are all depressed now. :-( im glad yours are happy at least!
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    Odin and Whisper

    thankyou hunnies! I love odin as well- he is a very, very special kitty.
  16. W

    need quick answer please

    here is a site i use for compatibility i hope this helps you?
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    Hurt Gouramis

    ok. yes- very due for a water change. there is lots of food not being cleaned up by the clowns.. i don't think they are eating at all, (which makes me really sad) luckily, the medicine takes care of fin rot, ich and velvet? thankyou all, so, so much. this whole episode has been very...
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    More pics......

    you know freshmike... if you ever run out of room, i'd be more then happy to take that 180 off your hands....
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    African Fries

    ok freshmike, we are practically neighbours... send extra fry to ontario.... :D
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    new tank

    that is one, big, BIG tank! i can't wait to see new photos! small note on that size thing.. i've encountered a nightmare with a 200 gallon tank for saltwater fishies in the living room. the tank spent about 3 months in the living room when it came down through the floor into the room below. he...
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    A Pic to get me going

    are those real plants? looking fine so far! :nod:
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    angelfish eating my pearl gouramis

    my blue gourami is the size of my fist.. he is VERY LARGE. my angel is about the size of a quarter. :blink: i guess its when there is a wound, others are just drawn to it? :/
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    Saved 2 Frontosa

    there should be more folks like you who can rescue fish in such horrid situations. :nod: i know there are sooo many folks like you who do this, and lots of those great people are in this forum. It's so dis-heartening to walk into a store and see bad conditions, run by folks who don't know very...
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    Finally a picture of my baby Silver!!

    how big are those fish? very nice indeed!
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    angelfish eating my pearl gouramis

    you know, my one blue gourami had a cut on him, and i had to seperate him from the angelfish.. the angel was picking at it constantly., and the gourami wasn't even doing anything to fight back. :sad: hope this is usefull..
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    Favorite Critter

    :lol: i grew up with teddy-bear hampsters. very cute, cuddly, and slow enough for me to catch'em once they escaped from that ball thingy. :unsure:
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    gash and missing an eye.

    i cannot, for the life of me get a photo of this cory. he is bronze coloured with a greenish tinged stripe on the sides of him. he is a balloon, MUCH bigger and rounder then any cory i have ever seen in my life! he had come as a pair of traumatized corys along with this old tank i had recieved...
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    Hurt Gouramis

    here is some more info for you. two days ago was when we noticed the cut he had, we moved him, and today in the hospital tank his fin showed (what looks like) blood in all the viens and a bigger pool of blood on the bottom tip of his fin. in the hospital tank is some clown loaches, and head...
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    My Black moor has ich

    march up to your fish store- any store, and your best bet (until someone smarter then me can give you an actual product name) is to simply ask your fish store person whats going on. tell him the fish you have, and tell him what is wrong, just like how you posted it here. i hope this helps, i...
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    My Black moor has ich

    raising the temp. a bit until you get medicine. the sooner, the better.
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    Hurt Gouramis

    i had moved my one blue gourami into the hospital tank after i noticed he had recieved a small cut right above his one feeler thingy, and the other fishies were picking on it. that was two days ago. today i woke up to see his one fin went all weird. its almost looking like a vien popped? here...
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    Filter Emergency

    during the big ol' blackout, my filter was off for about 2 days., and things are ok. the gouramis didnt really like it, but they will all survive. good luck!
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    My Clown Loach has Ich!!!

    good luck with you. all 4 of my clowns have ICH. i have lost 1 clown (very little little guy) and i fear the other young one will go as well. mine are in a seperate 5 gallon hospital tank, with a nice 82 degrees, and medicine called *maracide.* (everything else that was suggested wasnt sold in...
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    I think my clowns are pregnant.

    when the water went cloudy, we fixed the propeller thingy, and i removed the layered gunk off of the sponge, replaced the charcol, and lightly rinsed the sponge in a bucket of sperate tank water. i spoke to my saviour at the LFS about the water, and she suggested replacing the sponge, but NOT...
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    I think my clowns are pregnant.

    :sigh: i've been totally freaking over the past week. My hubby thought the whole time the clowns did not have ich, but he assumed it was just bubbles sticking to them (the ich never appeared to him) so he went about and bought 2 more clowns. (on the only manner of GOOD news, the LFS did a water...
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    Colourful Cichlids

    the electric blue is sooooo pretty! well done!